gslmm::function_1d< double > Class Template Reference

#include <function_1d.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gslmm::function_1d< double >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gslmm::function_1d< double >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

class gslmm::function_1d< double >

A 1D generalised function - double specialisation.

Public Member Functions

 function_1d ()
virtual ~function_1d ()


Helper functions for function_1d<double>
double f_helper (double x, void *p)
double df_helper (double x, void *p)
void fdf_helper (double x, void *p, double *f, double *df)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gslmm::function_1d< double >::function_1d  )  [inline]


virtual gslmm::function_1d< double >::~function_1d  )  [inline, virtual]


Friends And Related Function Documentation

double df_helper double  x,
void *  p

Helper function.

Forwards calls to object passed as the second parameter (cast to type void).

x The $ x$ value to evaluate the derivative of the function at.
p Pointer to object to evaluate (cast to type void)
The result of static_cast<function_1d<double>*>(p)->derivative(x)

double f_helper double  x,
void *  p

Helper function.

Forwards calls to object passed as the second parameter (cast to type void).

x The $ x$ value to evaluate the function at.
p Pointer to object to evaluate (cast to type void)
The result of static_cast<function_1d<double>*>(p)->evaluate(x)

void fdf_helper double  x,
void *  p,
double *  f,
double *  df

Helper function.

Forwards calls to object passed as the second parameter (cast to type void).

x The $ x$ value to function and the derivative of the function at.
p Pointer to object to evaluate (cast to type void)
f On output, the result of static_cast<function_1d<double>*>(p)->evaluate(x)
df On output, the result of static_cast<function_1d<double>*>(p)->derivative(x)

Member Data Documentation

gsl_function gslmm::function_1d< double >::_f [protected]

A simple function.

gsl_function_fdf gslmm::function_1d< double >::_fdf [protected]

A function that also has the derivative.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file:
Top of page Last update Tue May 9 10:11:31 2006
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.6