gslmm::taylor_expansion< double > Class Template Reference

#include <taylor_expansion_double.hh>

Inheritance diagram for gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >:

Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >:

Collaboration graph
List of all members.

Detailed Description

class gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >

Representation of a tayler expansion - double specialisation.

Public Types

typedef polynomial< double
typedef polynomial< double

Public Member Functions

 taylor_expansion (argument_type x0, const value_type *p, size_t n)
 taylor_expansion (argument_type x0, const std::vector< value_type > &p)
 taylor_expansion (argument_type x0, const value_type p0, const value_type p1, const value_type p2=0, const value_type p3=0, const value_type p4=0, const value_type p5=0, const value_type p6=0, const value_type p7=0, const value_type p8=0, const value_type p9=0)
 taylor_expansion (argument_type x0, const divide_difference< value_type > &dd)
 taylor_expansion (argument_type x0, const divide_difference< value_type > &dd, workspace &w)
virtual ~taylor_expansion ()
argument_type expansion_point () const
argument_type expansion_point (argument_type x0)
value_type evaluate (const argument_type &x)

Protected Attributes

argument_type _x0


class  workspace
 Workspace class for conversion from divide_difference representation. More...

Member Typedef Documentation

typedef polynomial<double >::argument_type gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::argument_type

The type of the argument values.

Reimplemented from gslmm::polynomial< double >.

typedef polynomial<double >::value_type gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::value_type

The type of the return values.

Reimplemented from gslmm::polynomial< double >.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::taylor_expansion argument_type  x0,
const value_type p,
size_t  n


gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::taylor_expansion argument_type  x0,
const std::vector< value_type > &  p


gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::taylor_expansion argument_type  x0,
const value_type  p0,
const value_type  p1,
const value_type  p2 = 0,
const value_type  p3 = 0,
const value_type  p4 = 0,
const value_type  p5 = 0,
const value_type  p6 = 0,
const value_type  p7 = 0,
const value_type  p8 = 0,
const value_type  p9 = 0


gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::taylor_expansion argument_type  x0,
const divide_difference< value_type > &  dd


gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::taylor_expansion argument_type  x0,
const divide_difference< value_type > &  dd,
workspace &  w


virtual gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::~taylor_expansion  )  [inline, virtual]


Member Function Documentation

double gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::evaluate const argument_type x  )  [inline]

Evaluate the polynomial.

argument_type gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::expansion_point argument_type  x0  )  [inline]

Set the expansion point.

argument_type gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::expansion_point  )  const [inline]

Get the expansion point.

Member Data Documentation

argument_type gslmm::taylor_expansion< double >::_x0 [protected]

The value expanded about.

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Christian Holm
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