Option classes


struct  optionmm::option_trait< std::string >
 Specialisation of the default option trait for std::string. More...
class  optionmm::option_base
 Base class for options. More...
class  optionmm::option_trait< Type >
 Trait to help do conversions. More...
class  optionmm::basic_option< Type, argument, multivalue, Trait >
 Command line option class. More...


typedef basic_option< int,
true, true > 
typedef basic_option< float,
true, true > 
typedef basic_option< bool,
false, false > 
typedef basic_option< std::string,
true, true > 

Typedef Documentation

typedef basic_option< bool, false, false > optionmm::bool_option

Explicit specialisation of basic_option for bool.

typedef basic_option< float, true, true > optionmm::float_option

Explicit specialisation of basic_option for float.

typedef basic_option< int, true, true > optionmm::int_option

Explicit specialisation of basic_option for int.

typedef basic_option< std::string, true, true > optionmm::string_option

Explicit specialisation of basic_option for std::string.

Top of page Last update Tue May 9 10:11:27 2006
Christian Holm
Created by DoxyGen 1.4.6