
This procedure uses, depending on the compilation, either the ESSL routine STPINT or the CERNLIB procedure DIVDIF.


Both x_vector and y_vector should be a 1-dimensional Matrix. They should have the same length, and the length should be at least equal to the order of interpolation + 1. If the length is less, then the order of interpolation is lowered accordingly.

The vector x_vector should be in strictly increasing or in strictly decreasing order, i.e. an element may not be equal to the element preceding or following it.

[These are mandatory arguments, no defaults are supplied.]


The coordinate at which interpolation is to be performed should either be a Number or a Matrix of any shape. In either case, all values should be in the range spanned by the x_vector.

If a coordinate is outside this range, then 0 is returned. No error condition is raised in this case.

[This is a mandatory argument, no default is supplied.]


Contains, on successful completion, the result of the interpolation in the form of a Number or a Number with a shape identical that the shape of x.

Any value associated with this argument at the time the procedure is called, is lost after execution of the procedure.

[This is a mandatory argument.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.