
One of the 2 formats of the PLOT_AREA procedure call, takes a series of (x,y) coordinates as argument to describe the line which is to be drawn. Each of the x and y coordinates should be of the type Number.

There should be at least 3 pairs of (x,y) coordinates if you use this format.

The vector and scalar formats can not be mixed.

[These are mandatory arguments, no default is supplied.]


See x.


One of the 2 formats of the PLOT_AREA procedure call, takes a pair of (x,y) coordinate vectors as argument. These vectors should both be a 1-dimensional Matrix. The vectors must have an equal length of at least 3.

The vector and scalar formats can not be mixed.

[These are mandatory arguments, no default is supplied.]


See x_vector.


The fill area representation that should be used, see REPRESENTATION for further information.
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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.