
The lower x limit of the frame.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a Number.

[A mandatory parameter, no default.]


The lower y limit of the frame.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a Number.

[A mandatory parameter, no default.]


The upper x limit of the frame.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a Number.

[A mandatory parameter, no default.]


The upper y limit of the frame.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a Number.

[A mandatory parameter, no default.]


The label to be placed along the x-axis.

This label will be shown using the text representation LABELS.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a String.

[By default: `x`]


The label to be placed along the y-axis.

This label will be shown using the text representation LABELS.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a String.

[By default: `y`]


The label to be placed along the top of the screen.

This label will be shown using the text representation TITLE.

This argument is should be a variable, constant or expression that evaluates to a String.

[By default left empty.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.