
The Histogram is referenced via a global variable that has usually been returned by a call to BOOK_HISTOGRAM or to GET_HISTOGRAM.

[This argument is mandatory. No default is supplied.]


The String that should appear along the horizontal axis.

The label is shown using the text representation LABELS.

This argument is ignored if the NOFRAME option is in effect.

[By default, this will be `Coordinate`]


This should be a String that contains the title that you want to appear at the top of the plot.

The title is shown using the text representation TITLE.

If omitted or if specified as `*`, the name of the global variable associated with the histogram will be used as title. If the histogram is the result of an operation, the string `Title` will be used.

This argument is ignored if the NOFRAME option is in effect.


A String which can contain the following options:

Option Effect Notes
FRAME Plots the histogram with a frame Default
NOFRAME Reuses the existing frame Not default


The first histogram in a frame is drawn using the HISTOGRAM-1 representation, the 2nd using HISTOGRAM-2, the third with HISTOGRAM-3 etc.

The counter is reset each time a plot is started or completed.

Use the SKIP_HISTOGRAM procedure if you wish to skip one or more representations from this sequence.

Go to the top level, to Call, to PLOT_HISTOGRAM, to the topic index, to the table of contents, or to the full text.

Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.