
This procedure can be used both with a series of (x, y) pairs as arguments, and with a single pair of 1-dimensional matrices.

If you supply (x,y) pairs, then the arguments must be of type Number, otherwise they should be of type Matrix.

[These are mandatory arguments, no default is supplied.]


The kind of marker to be used. This is a argument of type String that refers to a graphics representation.

Examples in the standard graphics representation tables are CROSS, DOT, PLUS and CIRCLE.

Use the REPRESENTATION graphics command to adjust the size of the marker, the colour and the marker type.

Please note that other marker types are available with the PLOT_ERROR_BAR procedure. By giving errors of size zero to the latter procedure, or by omitting the error arguments, one gets the same appearance as with PLOT_MARKERS.

[By default, the CIRCLE representation will be used.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.