
Use this format if you have one or more constant magnetic field components.

If this format is used for all 3\ components of the magnetic field, then the PERMEABILITY is taken into account.

The magnetic field component should have the form of a Number.


Format to be used if you have a tabulated form of your magnetic field.

If this format is used for 1 or more components of the magnetic field, then the PERMEABILITY is not taken into account.

Both the field vector and the coordinate vector have to be in the form of a 1-dimensional Matrix. These 2\ vectors must have the same length.

When you issue the COMPONENTS command, a copy of the vectors is made. You may therefore change the vectors afterwards - changes to the vectors do not, however, affect the magnetic field.


To be used if you know an analytic expression for the magnetic field.

If this format is used for 1 or more components of the magnetic field, then the PERMEABILITY is not taken into account.

Components of the magnetic field that use this format should have the form of a String which uses the variables X, Y and Z when Cartesian coordinates are used, and R, PHI and Z when the cell is described in polar coordinates.


Garfield internally expressed magnetic fields in a unit that fits in its overall unit system, namely V.\μsec/cm\². This unit is equivalent to 100\ G or 0.01\ T.

You have to express all components in the same unit, even if you use different formats.

You have to use this unit in calls to the various procedures which take magnetic fields as arguments, such as MAGNETIC_FIELD or DRIFT_VELOCITY.

The default unit for the COMPONENTS statement is the Tesla, if you wish to use other units, then you have to specify this.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.