
This component exposes the gfal2 API in a Pythonic way. For more information about its API, you can check the autogenerated API documentation, or out list of examples.

ABI notes

This is mostly for developers:


Unlike other components, gfal2-python is written in C++, using boost-python to expose the API to Python. This means, you should not combine gfal2-python compiled with one compiler family/C++ standard, with a boost binary library compiled with another. There is a likely chance of ABI incompatibilities, which will crash the program.


Similarly, gfal2-python compiled for a major/minor version of Python should not be used from a different version (ABI between patch releases is kept).

For example, gfal2-python compiled for Python 2.6 can not be imported on a Python 2.7 interpreter, and the other way around.

Additionally, you can not cross-import between Python binaries compiled with different Unicode support.


gfal2-python has to be compiled with the same collection of compilers and Python binaries that it will run.

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