Protocol Cheat Sheet

This is a quick reference of the different protocols supported by GFAL2.

Protocol Auth Data Transfer Space Tokens* Third Party Copy Staging/QoS Notes
lfc X509 NO NO NO NO Deprecated. Maintained by DPM team.
srm X509 NO YES NO YES XML-Based. Some calls are asynchronous (token-based)
gsiftp X509 YES NO YES NO Async API (callbacks). Maintained by Globus, to be adopted by OSG.
xrootd X509, Kerberos YES As part of the URL YES YES, EOS/CTA Async and sync API (Posix-like).
http/dav X509, Tokens YES As part of the URL YES YES, CDMI-QoS DAV is XML-Based. Copies may fallback to streaming if neither endpoint support copies.
s3 X509, Tokens, AWS Signature YES As part of the URL Only as passive endpoint NO Implemented by HTTP-plugin via Davix.
rfio X509, by hostname YES NO NO NO Deprecated. Maintained by DPM.
dcap X509 YES NO NO NO Deprecated. dCache-specific.
dropbox OAuth2 YES NO NO NO JSON-Based.
sftp User/password or SSH private key YES NO NO NO Experimental

Transfers / copies

While namespace operations are relatively straight forward - just look at the URI and choose depending on the scheme -, transfers can get trickier, since they may involve different combinations of two protocols.

It is up to the plugins to decide whether they take over any transfer involving them or not. The following table summarizes what happens in each case.

Source Destination Plugin Explanation
srm * srm plugin srm needs to resolve the transfer URL before doing the copy. Also, it handles space tokens.
* srm srm plugin Same.
gsiftp gsiftp gsiftp plugin Third party copies.
xrootd file xrootd plugin More performant API call than read-write calls.
file xrootd xrootd plugin Same.
xrootd xrootd xrootd plugin Third party copies.
file http http plugin One single PUT instead of chunk writes.
http http http plugin Third party copies w/o fallback (push, pull, streamed).

For any other combinations, gfal2 core takes over, and does the transfer via open, read, write, close calls.

What is a space token?

A space reservation. Can be specified for the source and for the destination. The space reservation can be disk, and/or tape.

space tokens

It is convenient to make a difference between two terms:

  • Space token: An opaque ID, internal to the storage. It can be from an integer (dCache) to a UUID (DPM).
  • Space token description: A human-readable label assigned to the space token. I.e. "ATLASSCRATCHDISK".

Normally users use "space token description".

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