lcg-util to gfal2-util

gfal1 and lcg-util have been both deprecated since the 31st October 2014. If you are still relying on lcg-util, you will find here a table with the equivalent commands for gfal2-util.

Description lcg-util gfal2-util
Add an alias for a given GUID lcg-aa Deprecated
Bring SURLs online lcg-bringonline gfal-legacy-bringonline
Copy files with no catalog involved lcg-cp gfal-copy
Copy and register a file lcg-cr gfal-copy
Delete a file / directory lcg-del gfal-rm
Get the file checksum lcg-get-checksum gfal-sum
Get the TURLs for given SURLs lcg-getturls gfal-xattr "user.replicas"
Get the TURL for a given SURL lcg-gt gfal-xattr "user.replicas"
List aliases for a given LFN/GUID lcg-la Deprecated
Get the GUID for a given LFN lcg-lg gfal-xattr "user.guid"
Lists the replicas for a given LFN lcg-lr gfal-xattr "user.replicas"
List information / directory lcg-ls gfal-ls
Remove an alias lcg-ra Deprecated
Copy between Ses using the catalog lcg-rep gfal-copy
Register a file in a catalog lcg-rf gfal-copy
Set a file status to done lcg-sd Deprecated*
Get space tokens associated to a description lcg-stmd gfal-xattr "spacetoken"/"spacetoken.token?$tok"/"spacetoken.description?$desc"
Unregister a file lcg-uf Deprecated
Create a directory gfal-mkdir
Dump the standard input into a file gfal-save
Dump a file into the standard output gfal-cat

(*) These actions are actually performed internally by the SRM plugin when needed.

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