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Some typical errors that can happen, and how to debug and/or solve them. This is an evolving list and may differ depending on the specific version of GeoModelXML, as bugs are solved and others revealed.

  • evaluate: invalid expression. Last good expression was ...:

    This error indicates an issue when XML is being parsed. Check for typos or invalid syntax in defining parameters, providing names to logvolref, etc.

  • WARNING: No valid FullPhysicalVolume found or WARNING: no GeoAlignableTransform found!:

This error can occur when alignable properties are not correctly set by all elements consistently. Normally this needs to be set in three places, - a) a multicopy or transform which should set alignable="n" where n is the “level” at which it is alignable (scheme defined by the client code, not GeoModelXML, so the user can choose any value they deem appropriate). - b) a transformation applied within the multicopy/transform should set alignable="true" so that a GeoAlignableTransform will be created for this transformation, allowing alignment corrections to be applied. - c) the logvol or assembly to which the above multicopy/transform and transformation are being applied should set alignable="true" when it is created, so that a GeoFullPhysVol will be created, which can be associated with alignment corrections.

  • unable to open external entity ...:

This error can happen when a tool cannot properly resolve relative paths to entities within an XML file. Generating a single file from the separate files as follows can help make a geometry more “portable”:

xmllint --noent --valid PATH/TO/FILES/ > MyCombinedGeometry.xml