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Build the GeoModel libraries

Here below, you will find instructions on how to compile all the GeoModel libraries and tools, and their main dependencies, from sources. You may want to do that for different reasons:

  • you want to build the libraries for an OS which is not officially supported or for a version of it for which no pre-compiled packages are provided (for info, see the Start section)
  • you want to test the latest version of the code
  • you want to contribute to the development of the GeoModel libraries and tools

In the following, you will find basic strategies to effectively build the GeoModel software stack, based on different use cases.

System Dependencies


In the GeoModel packages, we use modern C++ constructs (C++ 14 and sometimes C++17). Thus, before trying to compile the GeoModel libraries, be sure your compiler supports C++17.


If you use GCC, we successfully tested the build of GeoModel packages on GCC 6.2 and beyond (GCC 7, GCC 8, GCC 9).

If you use Clang (mainly on macOS), we successfully tested the GeoModel build on Clang/Xcode 10 and Clang/Xcode 11.

Third-party libraries - macOS

On macOS, you can install all the needed third-party dependencies by using the Homebrew package manager:

# install external dependencies
brew install cmake eigen doxygen wget boost xerces-c nlohmann-json sqlite

# if you want to build the visualization tools as well, please install and configure Qt5
brew install qt5
Then, add the path to your shell, by running the command below, depending on your macOS machine:

  • Intel chip:

    echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc

  • Apple M1 (ARM64) chip:

    echo 'export PATH="/opt/homebrew/opt/qt@5/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.zshrc


After having installed qt with brew, and having run the echo command stated above, you should either open a new shell or run source ~/.zshrc in order to get the qt in the PATH.


If you have both Qt5 and Qt6 installed through the brew package managers on your macOS machine, you will probably get errors while building GeoModelVisualization. brew in fact installs the Qt6 and Qt5 packages as qt and qt@5 respectively. When compiling GeoModelVisualization, CMake does find the correct version of Qt, while later the linker fails to do that and complain. To fix that, just remove Qt6 with brew remove qt. This is a temporary solution, until we move the GeoModel code to Qt6.


Before building the GeoModel libraries from source, please check if you have old versions of them installed on your system and remove them. Also, you should remove all GeoModel packages previously installed through brew, because they could be picked up by the build system while building the sources, affecting the compilation.

Please remove all the geomodel-packages before trying to build the packages from source.

See the Troubleshooting page for additional details and instructions.


On Ubuntu, you can install all the needed third-party dependencies by using the built-in apt package manager:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kaktusjoe/geomodel
sudo apt update

sudo apt install git cmake wget unzip build-essential nlohmann-json3-dev libsoqt-bb-dev libxerces-c-dev libeigen3-dev geant4-dev libsqlite3-dev zlib1g-dev libhdf5-dev qtbase5-dev libhepmc3-dev pythia-dev


On Fedora < 34: On Fedora, you can install all the needed third-party dependencies by using the built-in dnf package manager:

dnf install --assumeyes make automake gcc gcc-c++ cmake git qt5  boost mercurial xerces-c-devel unzip freeglut-devel wget eigen3-devel

On Fedora >= 34:

dnf install --assumeyes make automake gcc gcc-c++ cmake git qt5-qtbase-devel boost mercurial xerces-c-devel unzip freeglut-devel wget eigen3-devel giflib-devel libjpeg-devel sqlite-devel


Packages shipped with Centos7, or installed by the YUM package manager, unfortunately are often too old. So, one needs to circumvent that, either by using pre-compiled bundles, or building from sources.

CMake and Qt

You need a recent version of CMake to build GeoModel, so you might need to install a newer version compared to what is installed on your Centos7 machine. Please, refer to the original CMake documentation for updated installation instructions.

You also need a recent version of the Qt graphics framework installed. Please refer to the official documentation for updated instructions. When installing, please be aware that you only need the “Community” version of Qt (Open Source), not the commercial one.

Using the built-in third-party packages

For the Xerces-C, nlohmann-json, Coin3D, Simage, and SoQt dependencies, one can use the built-in versions shipeed with GeoModel. They are tested to work smoothly with the related GeoModel version, and they avoid the installation from sources of all these packages.

For example, on Centos7, after having set a recent version of CMake, you can build the full GeoModel tools-suite, with support for the XML parser and the visualization tools, with the command below:


Using CVMFS and LCG

If one has CVMFS access, one way to easily set up a recent version of CMake, Qt and all the other dependency packages, is the use of the LCG bundles provided by the CERN “SFT” group:

source /cvmfs/

After that, you can build the GeoModel without any extra options.

Visualization 3D graphics dependencies

3D graphics dependencies - macOS

On macOS, you can install the needed graphics dependencies with brew.

If you have not installed the atlas/geomodel Tap already, please install it now, by running the command below; otherwise, skip this and jump to the next point.

brew tap atlas/geomodel 

Now, update your atlas/geomodel Tap to the latest version and install the graphics libraries:

brew update
brew install geomodel-thirdparty-soqt 

The second command will install all the latest graphics libraries needed by the visualization tools of GeoModel: geomodel-thirdparty-simage, geomodel-thirdparty-coin, and geomodel-thirdparty-soqt.

3D graphics dependencies - Linux

On Linux, you can build the needed graphics libraries by following the instructions below.

a) Simage

On all platforms except Centos7, you can build Simage by followoing these instructions:

# Build Simage
mkdir build_simage
cd build_simage
make -j4
make install
cd ..

On Centos7, you have to apply a patch to build the package. Therefore, on Centos7 please build Simage by following the instructions below:

# Build Simage
cd Coin3D-simage-2c958a61ea8b
./configure --prefix=$PWD/../install
wget -O cc7.patch 
patch -p1 < cc7.patch
make -j4
make install 
cd ..

b) Coin3D & SoQt

Now, you should build Coin3D (the 3D graphics engine) and SoQt (the glue package between the 3D graphics engine, Coin, and the windowing system, Qt5):

# Build Coin3D
wget -O
unzip; mv coin-* coin
mkdir build_coin
cd build_coin
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DCOIN_BUILD_TESTS=0 -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-Wno-deprecated-declarations ../coin
make -j4
make install
cd ..

# Build SoQt
wget -O 
mkdir build_soqt
cd build_soqt
make -j4
make install
cd ..

Quick instructions - Build everything

With these instructions you will build the whole software stack for GeoModel development. The GeoModel libraries will be built from the HEAD version of the ‘main’ branch. If something does not compile, please let the developers’ team know.

With these instructions, you will build: GeoModelCore, GeoModelIO, GeoModelTools, GeoModelVisualization (a.k.a., gmex).


These instructions will install the libraries and the tools in a local install folder. That is very useful for developmemnt, because you can handle multiple versions installed on the same system.

However, if you prefer to install the tools and the libraries in the /usrl/local system directory, just remove from the commands the option -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install.

This will install everything: the base libraries contained in the packages GeoModelCore (the kernel libraries and utilities) and GeoModelIO (the I/O libraries and the interface to the underlying data formats and/or databases), the tools contained in GeoModelTools (XML and JSON parsers, the GeoModelXML interface, the gmcat concatenation command line tool), and the viusalization tools contained in GeoModelVisualization (gmex):

git clone
mkdir build_geomodel
cd build_geomodel
make -j
make install
cd ..


On some platforms (for example, on Centos 7 and some Ubuntu releases), the default Eigen, Xerces-C, and nlohmann-json libraries installed through the platform’s package manager are quite old. If you desire, you can build GeoModel with a built-in, tested version of those libraries by enabling the corresponding options at configuration time with these additional build options:


If you compile on Centos7, that above could be a very convenient option, which lets you skip the installation of custom versions of those libraries directly on your system.

A full example on Centos 7 could be:



In these instructions we are building everything, because that is the most used configuration. But the GeoModel build is highly modular, and you can install different combinations of the GeoModel subpackages.

You can see all the available options, and you can enable/disable them interactively, by using the command for the interactive CMake configuration ccmake, instead of the classical cmake; i.e.: ccmake ../GeoModel.

In the section below, a list of all build options will be presented.

Post install settings

Assuming you followed the above instructions and you used ../install as the installation path, in order to run the applications you need to set a couple of system variables.


You don’t need to set the variables below, or run any system tool, if you installed GeoModel binaries by following the instructions on the Install page.

Also, yuo don’t need them if you have omitted the local installation option (i.e., the -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=../install build option) while building and, therefore, you have installed everything i to system folders (like, for example, into /usr/local/).


install_name_tool -add_rpath ../install/lib ../install/bin/gmex  

Note: You need to run the command above each time you install a new gmex executable while developing; i.e., every time you run make install, if you are developing GeoModelVisualization. That is needed because a new gmex executable does not have the rpath set, and you must set it before running it, otherwise the executable cannot find the libraries it is linked against.

This will be automated in a future version.


export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/../install/lib/ # this is a temporary fix

Linux / Fedora & Centos7

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=../install/lib:../install/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH # this is a temporary fix, we will fix the installation on Fedora

Run GeoModelExplorer (gmex)

Then, you can download an example geometry data file:

On linux:


On mac:

curl -o geometry_atlas.db

and run your local copy of the GeoModel visualization tool, gmex, with (assuming you are still in the build folder):



For a collection of suggestions on how to fix potential errors and glitches, please refer to the dedicated Troubleshooting page.

Build Options

While configuring the build, you can enable the build of the optional packages, as explained in the following.


Please note that you can build some of the dependencies as part of the main build. This is useful for platforms where the versions installed by the system package managers are old. See here below for instructions.


When used during the CMake configuration step, all the variables must be prefixed by -D, like in the first example of this section. You can also combine them.

For example, this CMake command:


will build the base classes, the visualization tool (gmex), and the examples (the ones that not require Geant4).

GEOMODEL_BUILD_TOOLS – Build the GeoModelTools

cmake -DGEOMODEL_BUILD_TOOLS=1 ../GeoModel

will enable the build of the tools in GeoModelTools.

This will also brings in a dependency on the Xerces-C and nlohmann_json third-party libraries.

GEOMODEL_BUILD_VISUALIZATION – Build the visualization tools


will enable the build of the geometry visualization tool, GeoModelExplorer (gmex) and of all the base classes.

This brings in additional dependencies for the GUI and to handle 3D graphics and on a JSON parser: Qt5, Coin3D, SoQt, and nlohmann_json.

GEOMODEL_BUILD_EXAMPLES – Build the examples


will enable the build of all the examples (except those requiring Geant4, see below) and of all the base classes and packages.

GEOMODEL_BUILD_GEOMODELG4 – Build the GeoModel –> Geant4 interface

This CMake command


will build the base packages as well the interface classes which translate GeoModel nodes into Geant4 entities, as well as all the base GeoModel classes. This also brings in an additional dependency on a Geant4 installation.

Build the examples for the GeoModel –> Geant4 interface

To build the examples for the GeoModel –> Geant4 interface, you should use the GEOMODEL_BUILD_EXAMPLES_W_GEANT4 build option:


This will enable the build of all the examples, also those requiring Geant4. This option will also build GeoModelG4 (see above), which is the interface between GeoModel and Geant4, and brings in the dependency on a local Geant4 installation.

GEOMODEL_BUILD_FULLSIMLIGHT – Build the standalone Geant4-based detector simulation application

This CMake command


will build FullSimLight, the Geant4-based application which let users run standalone simulations on a complete detector geometry or on a piece of that, as well as GeoModelG4 and all the base classes. This also brings in an additional dependency on a Geant4 installation.

Building dependencies as part of the main build

You can use CMake compilation flags to configure a built-in build of some of the dependencies. That options will download and build a tested version of those dependencies as part of the build process of GeoModel.

This is especially useful on platforms where the version of those dependencies installed by the system package manager is old, like on Ubuntu.

Note: You don’t need to use those options on macOS, where the versions installed by the brew package manager are often the latest.


You can enable the built-in build of nlohmann_json by using the CMake option:



You can enable the built-in build of Xerces-C by using the CMake option:



You can enable the built-in build of Eigen3 by using the CMake option:


Coin3D (Coin + SoQt)

You can enable the built-in build of Coin3D (i.e., Coin + SoQt) by using the CMake option:



For example, you can build the base GeoModel packages, plus the GeoModelVisualization (gmex), and a built-in version of nlohmann_json and Xerces-C by configuring the build with: