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FullSimLight package consists of different tools based on Geant4 toolkit, that can be run on multiple geometries:

  • fullSimLight: a light particle transport simulation (geometry, transport in magnetic field and basic physics scoring)
  • fsl: GUI for fullSimLight configuration
  • gmclash: a tool that runs clash detection on your input geometry, producing a json file report
  • gmgeantino: a tool to generate geantino maps from your input geometry
  • gm2gdml: a tool to convert geometries and dump them in gdml format.

For instructions on how to build FullSimLight, please refer to the Build FullSimLight page.

Detector Construction


The supported geometry formats are SQLite (.db), GDML (.gdml) and plugins that build from scratch a GeoModel geometry (.dylib/.so). An example of geometry plugins can be found in the GeoModelExamples folder. Use the -g flag to specify the name of the input geometry file.

ATLAS Geometry Files:

If you are interested in running with the ATLAS geometry files, please refer to the ATLAS Extensions page.

FullSimLight: run and options

The fullSimLight application can be built and used both with sequential and multithreaded Geant4 builds. In case of multithreaded Geant4 toolkit, the applications will run in proper multithreaded mode. You can find the executables under the build/bin directory and/or under the < path-to-install > /bin dir.

NB: Before running fullSimLight make sure to source the file to set correctly all the Geant4 environment variables.

source <path_to_geant4_install_dir>/bin/

To run FullSimLight you can specify a json configuration file (generated with fsl) with the -c flag or use the following command line parameters. Run the executable with the –help option to see the available options:

-c :   json configuration file generated with fsl
-g :   [REQUIRED] : the Geometry file name - if not specified in the configuration file
-m :   [OPTIONAL] : the standard Geant4 macro file name  
-o :   flag  ==> run the geometry overlap check (default: FALSE)
-f :   physics list name (default: FTFP_BERT) 
-P :   use Pythia primary generator [config. available: ttbar/higgs/minbias or use a Pythia command input file]
-p :   flag  ==> run the application in performance mode i.e. no user actions 
   :   -     ==> run the application in NON performance mode i.e. with user actions (default) 

FullSimLight uses by default the Geant4 particle gun as primary generator, but it supports also input events from the Pythia generator (see the Primary generator section below for more details), HepMC3 formats or custom generators plugins.

A minimal set of “observables” is collected during the simulation per-primary particle type: mean energy deposit, mean charged and neutral step lengths, mean number of steps made by charged and neutral particles, mean number of secondary e-, e+ and gamma particles. The result is reported at the end of each event for each primary particle that was transported in the given event. At the end of the simulation a final report is printed showing the run time, the primary generator and magnetic field settings used during the run, the total number of events and primary particles transported and the per-primary type simulation statistics of the above-mentioned quantities.

The simulation can be executed in “performance” mode by providing the -p input flag. No any user actions are created in this case beyond the only one RunAction (only for the Master-thread in case of MT) that will start and stop a timer at the beginning and the end of the simulation (initialization time won’t be included). Therefore, there is no scoring in this case.


FullSimLight can be very easily configured and run via fsl, both from within the GUI or from the command-line, passing the configuration file with the -c flag. Alternatively, FullSimLight can be executed via command line using the basic available flags. The only mandatory parameter necessary for starting a simulation is the geometry file (can be specified inside the config file or with the -g flag). Following are some examples that illustrates the different possibilities.

If you have created your custom configuration file with fsl, you can simply run fullSimLight as follows:

./fullSimLight -c myconfig.json  
This is the best and more complete way of configuring FullSimLight because it allows you to customize also the use of plugins and to use all the different primary particles generation methods.

As an alternative to using the json configuration file, one can use the available command line options and a classical geant4 macro to configure fullsimlight.

During the installation a default macro file will be installed in your < install-path >/share/FullSimLight directory. So the macro file doesn’t need to be specified if you intend to use the default one.

To execute the application using the default < macro.g4 > macro file, with the default FTFP_BERT Physics List, not in performance mode and building the detector from < mygeometry.db > file:

./fullSimLight -g mygeometry.db

To execute the application using the default < macro.g4 > macro file and building the detector with a geometry described in one of the GeoModelPlugins repo, i.e. PixelPlugin :

./fullSimLight  -g libPixePlugin.1.0.0.dylib/.so

To execute the application using a custom macro file, with the ATLAS FTFP_BERT_ATL Physics List, in performance mode and building the detector from the geometry-ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01.db file :

./fullSimLight -m mymacro.g4 -f FTFP_BERT_ATL -p -g geometry-ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01.db 

Please note that the last option is deprecated, as it doesn’t allow full flexibility, and we suggest to configure your simulation via fsl.

Parameters configuration via fsl (suggested)

For details on how to configure your simulation with fsl, please refer to the fsl page.

Parameters configuration via Geant4 macro (deprecated)

FullSimLight and in general Geant4 based simulations, need a Geant4 macro to read some input parameters. The default macro used by fullSimLight is called ‘macro.g4’ and it should be found under the < install-path > /share/FullSimLight directory. The macro can be edited to change some parameters, i.e the verbosity, the number of threads, or to tune the simulation. The most relevant macro commands are explained in what follows.

Magnetic field

A constant magnetic field can be set through the macro command:

/FSLdet/setField <field-value> <unit>

The default value is a uniform magnetic field of 4 Tesla.

ATLAS Magnetic Field

The ATLAS magnetic field is integrated in FullSimLight and can be used from it. The magnetic field map file used and supported are:

  • full_bfieldmap_7730_20400_14m_version5.root
  • solenoid_bfieldmap_7730_0_14m_version5.root
  • toroid_bfieldmap_0_20400_14m_version5.root

If the magnetic field maps are not available to the user, a constant magnetic field can be set through the macro file. The test application “testMagneticField” can be used to test the different magnetic field maps and produce Maps in 2D histograms that are saved in a ROOT file (i.e ‘ATLAS_BField_default.root’) . Please notice that no dependency on ROOT is introduced, because the histograms are created, filled and saved using the G4AnalysisManager.

testMagneticField examples:

Run the application with the –help flag to see the options:

./testMagneticField --help

-f :  OPTIONAL: magnetic field filename [.data/.root]   (default : use ATLAS magnetic field maps)
-r :  FLAG:     use root field map (default : false, use .data file)
-s :  FLAG:     set Solenoid Off 
-t :  FLAG:     set Toroids Off 

By default the file tested is the Use the -r option to test the ROOT file maps, add the -s flag to set the solenoid off and use the toroid_bfieldmap_0_20400_14m_version5.root:

./testMagneticField -r -s 

Use the -t to set the Toroids off, and test the solenoid_bfieldmap_7730_0_14m_version5.root file.

./testMagneticField -r -t 

Primary Generators

The primary generator used by default is the Geant4 particle gun, but FullSimLight also supports the Pythia generator and HepMC3 format.

Particle gun

The particle gun used by default will generate primary particles at the (0,0,0) position with the following options:

Number of primaries per event:

The number of primary particles per event can be set through the macro command:

/FSLgun/primaryPerEvt <number>

By default, i.e. if it is not specified by the above command, the number of primary particles will be randomly selected for each individual event from the [1, 10] interval uniformly.

Primary particle energy:

The primary particle energy can be set through the macro command:

/FSLgun/energy  <energy-value> <unit>
By default, i.e. if it is not specified by the above command, the kinetic energy will be randomly selected for each individual primary particle from the [1 GeV, 100 GeV] uniformly.

Primary particle direction:

The primary particle momentum direction can be set through the macro command:

/FSLgun/direction  <xdir-value> <ydir-value> <zdir-value>
By default, i.e. if it is not specified by the above command, the momentum direction will be randomly selected for each individual primary particle from isotropic distribution.

Primary particle type:

The primary particle type can be set through the macro command:

/FSLgun/particle <particle-name>
By default, i.e. if it is not specified by the above command, the type will be randomly selected from a pre-defined list for each individual primary particle uniformly. The current list of particles includes e-, e+ and gamma particles. It can be extended by adding more particles to the list in the FSLPrimaryGeneratorAction class.

Pythia generator

FullSimLight supports Pythia as primary particles generator. In order to use Pythia, the user should have it installed in their system and if Pythia is found FullSimLight will be compiled with the support on. There are three different default options available when using the -P or –pythia flag (i.e. ttbar, higgs and minbias):

bash -P : generate events with Pythia [config. available: ttbar/higgs/minbias or use ascii input file]

Alternatively the user can plug their own Pythia configuration file to simulate the desired events. For example, in order to simulate the default ttbar events, the command to be run is the following:

bash ./fullSimLight -m ../share/FullSimLight/pythia.g4 -P ttbar -g geometry-ATLAS-R2-2016-01-00-01.db

The number of events that the user wants to simulate must be specified in the Geant4 macro file. A specific pythia.g4 macro file can be found in the < path-to-install >/share/FullSimLight directory, that should be used when simulating Pythia events and can be edited according to the user needs.

HepMC3 events input

FullSimLight supports reading events in HepMC3 format both the standard Asciiv3 format (introduced in HepMC3) as well as the old Ascii format (used in HepMC and HepMC2). This option is only available when configuring fullSimLight with FSL and the json configuration file. Please refer to the FSL section for more info.

Physics List

The Physics List can be specified as an input argument with the -f flag (e.g. -f FTFP_BERT). Notice that the name of the Geant4 built in Physics List must be in upper case, exactly as the corresponding header file. By default, i.e. if the Physics List name is not provided as an input argument, the FTFP_BERT Physics List will be used.