EMI Software Quality Assurance Plan

Latest approved version of the SQAP
v. 2.8

1. Introduction

One of the main tasks of the SA2.2 activity is to write and implement a Software Quality Assurance Plan (SQAP). The SQAP contains the definition of the global software QA processes, procedures, roles and responsibilities for the EMI project. A first version of the SQAP was submitted to the EC in 03.09.2010. Since quality assurance is an iterative process, the SQAP will evolve accordingly. Check the Logbook to track the changes.

2. Complementary Documentation

The SQAP makes reference to the documents included in the following sections. Please, check the documents below to have a complete picture of the SQAP.

2.1. EMI QA Policies

The following policies are defined within SA2 and they describe the software lifecycle process. A group of experts representing each middleware has been involved in their definition. PT must follow these policies in order to release software within the EMI project:

2.1.1. Documentation guidelines for the Policies Common layout

The policy documents follow this layout:

  • Table of contents.
  • Introduction explaining the purpose of the policy.
  • Sections and subsections that would help to quickly find the needed information.
  • Contacts: SA2 mailing list.
  • Table of references.
  • Logbook where changes to the policy are summarised.

All sections in the policy must be numbered. Available Formats

The policy documents are available in the following formats:

  • twiki pages
  • PDF documents

The name of the PDF document should meet the following naming and versioning scheme:

  • EMI_SA2_Releasing_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_Change_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_ConfigIntegration_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_Packaging_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_Testing_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_Documentation_v_X_Y.pdf
  • EMI_SA2_Certification_v_X_Y.pdf

Where X represents a major change and Y represents a minor change (up to the different authors to judge this). X >= 0 as soon as the policy is approved for the first time.

In the twiki page, there should be a box where it should be mentioned which version of the policy is currently the one to be used and in which date it was approved.

PDF versions should include the Policy Cover Template. How to manage changes

  • Anybody can suggest changes to policies.
  • Changes are communicated to SA2.
  • The proposed change should contain all the necessary details to be included in a new version of the policy.
  • Changes in the policies are done in the twiki page first.
  • A summary of the introduced changes is included in the twiki Logbook.
  • The twiki should then contain a message at the top of the page so that it's clear that a newer version is being prepared (see the list of messages in the table below).
  • The policy table in the main SA2 twiki should also be updated stating that there's a new version in progress.
  • SA2 decides when a new change or group of changes are ready to be announced by sending the twiki + PDF to all-members mailing list using the following template:
SUBJECT: Policy_Name policy vX.Y draft available for comments, deadline: dd.mm.yyyy
Hi all,

Policy_Name Policy vX.Y is now available for public comments in:

<copy here the Policy URL>

The Certification Policy is also available in PDF format:

<copy here the PDF Policy URL>

Please, send your feedback *BEFORE* dd.mm.yyyy.

Release Notes
Summarise the changes included in the new version.

For more details, please check: 
<Copy here the Policy Logbook URL>
SA2 team

  • SA2 waits for two weeks for public comments.
  • After this period, SA2 processes the received feedback.
  • Once the feedback has been discussed with the relevant parties and included in the policy, SA2 announces the new version as follows:
    • update the Latest version of this policy box with the new version.
    • announce the new version:
      • In the SA2 news RSS feed in the main SA2 twiki page.
      • In the policy table in the main SA2 twiki page.
      • In the all-members mailing list, using the following template
SUBJECT: Policy_Name Policy vX.Y is now ready
Hi all,

Policy_Name Policy vX.Y is now available in:

<copy here the Policy URL>

The Certification Policy is also available in PDF format:

<copy here the PDF Policy URL>

Release Notes
Summarise the changes included in the new version.

For more details, please check: 
<Copy here the Policy Logbook URL>

You can also register to the RSS feed for SA2 announcements here:
In case of questions do not hesitate to contact SA2: emi-sa2@eu-emi.eu

XXX on behalf of SA2

The SA2.2 task leader is responsible for coordinating the implementation of new changes. The SA2.2 task leader is also responsible for updating the relevant twiki, PDF document and notify the changes to everybody by announcing the change.

If the SA2.2 task leader is not available, SA2 activity leader or even PEB can be a backup responsible for this process.

The following messages will be displayed at the beginning of the policy twiki pages for each possible scenario:

Message Scenario
Note that this twiki contains a draft version of the XXX Policy to be approved. New policy
Box containing a link to the latest version of the policy with the date when it was approved. Approved Policy
Note that this twiki contains a new version of the XXX Policy which is still under preparation. The latest approved version is accesible in the PDF file. Check the Logbook for more details in the new version. New version under preparation
Note that this twiki contains a newer version of the XXX Policy which is under public review until dd.mm.yyyy. Check the Logbook for more details in the new version. New version available for public comments
Note that this twiki contains a new version of the XXX Policy. Feedback time is now over. The new version of the policy will be announced in the upcoming days. Check the Logbook for more details in the new version. New version about to be announced

2.2. EMI Quality Model

The EMI Quality Model helps to evaluate EMI software products and processes quality. It identifies EMI quality requirements, a set of characteristics need to present in the EMI software to meet these requirements and a set of metrics and KPIs evaluating the presence of these characteristics.

The Quality Model should follow the same documentation guidelines as the QA policies. However, no feedback is needed from the rest of the project since this is a document describing an internal SA2 process.

The file name of the PDF version should follow the format: EMI_SA2_QualityModel_v_X_Y.pdf

2.3. EMI Production Release Criteria

The Producton Release criteria defines the minimum set of criteria considered to be mandatory for a component release to be released in production. The criteria will be checked by QC. Visit the Production Release Criteria twiki for more details.

The Production Release Criteria should follow the same documentation guidelines as the QA policies. However, no feedback is needed from the rest of the project since this document is already a summary of what it is defined as mandatory in the different policies.

The file name of the PDF version should follow the format: EMI_SA2_ProductionReleaseCriteria_v_X_Y.pdf

2.4. EMI Release Check List

The Release Check List is a document summarising all the steps needed to release a new EMI product version. Visit the Release Check List twiki for more details.

The Release Check List should follow the same documentation guidelines as the QA policies. However, no feedback is needed from the rest of the project since this document is already a summary of the release process.

The file name of the PDF version should follow the format: EMI_SA2_Checklist_v_X_Y.pdf

2.5. EMI Deliverables relevant to SQA

The following documents are deliverables of the EMI project that play a key role in the definition of the EMI SW lifecycle:

Document Name Link to most up to date version
Software Release Plan DSA1.2
Software Maintenance and Support Plan DSA1.1
QA tools DSA2.2.2
Continuous Integration and Certification Testbeds DSA2.4

2.6 SQA within the EMI sustainability plan

One of the main goals of EMI at the end of the project is that EMI products are distributed in the EPEL and Debian repositories. SQA activities need to help in the transition from the current model where EMI products are released in the EMI repository, towards the model where EMI packages are released in EPEL and Debian repositories. In the following twikis, the criteria that needs to be satisfied for both EPEL and Debian is summarised. The twikis also describe the steps needed in EMI SQA activities to meet EPEL and Debian criteria:

3. SQAP templates

The following templates aim at helping the members of the EMI project to produce high quality documentation. They are relevant to software lifecycle related documentation:

4. SQAP Logbook

v2.8 (approved on 28.10.2011)

  • Applied 730-2002 IEEE Standard For Software Quality Assurance Plans
  • Addressed comments from the EC reviewers:
    • Reorganisation of the SQA Management section including a better description of the different SQA roles and tasks and how they are scheduled so that the plan is a real plan and not a meta-plan.
    • Clear descriptions on how the software is actually developed and managed by describing the SA2 policies in section 4 and giving them the relevance they have as the main directors of the software development process throughout the document.
    • Metrics section has been reduced to contain only a summary. A metrics document is created separately and referenced in this document.
    • Concrete references to actual methods and controls within the project are now included in sections 5, 6, 8 and 9.
    • Standards are cited in the document.

v1.2 (approved on 23.08.2010)

  1. Definition of the SQAP
    1. First draft based on IEEE guide outlined in this twiki (done on 14.06.2010)
    2. Feedback from WP leaders, area leaders and relevant SA2 members (mail sent on 14.06.2010)
      • Feedback from Laurence received on 15.06.2010
    3. Second draft outlined in this twiki (done on 18.06.2010)
    4. Feedback from WP leaders, area leaders and relevant SA2 members (mail sent on 18.06.2010)
      • Feedback from Claudio Cacciari received on 18.06.2010.
      • Feedback from Giuseppe Fiameni received on 23.06.2010.
    5. v1 of the SQAP sent to SA2, WP leaders and area leaders (mail sent on 24.06.2010). SQAP drafts removed from the twiki. Document can be found in the attachments below.
      • Feedback from Andres and Danilo. Reviewed document by Jozef, Andrea and Giuseppe.
    6. v3 of the SQAP sent to SA2, Francesco, Cristina and Andrea. (mail sent on 01.07.2010). Version based on collected feedback done by Maria and Alberto.
    7. v4 of the SQAP sent to SA2, Francesco, Cristina and Andrea. It includes comments from the phone conference (mail sent on 02.07.2010).
    8. v5 of the SQAP sent to SA2, Francesco, Cristina and Andrea. It includes security assessment, procedures and support.
    9. v6 of the SQAP sent to SA2, Francesco, Cristina and Andrea. It includes metrics. (mail sent on 19.07.2010).
    10. v7 modified by Alberto and sent to PEB on 28.07.2010 Deliverable SA2.1.
    11. v8 modified by Eamonn to add improved information about quality factors on 29.07.2010.
  2. Review of the SQAP. Official reviewers are Giuseppe Fiamieni and Andrea Ceccanti.
    1. Giuseppe's review sent by email on 03.08.2010.
    2. Maria and Giuseppe organise a phone conference to go through Giuseppe's comments on 04.08.2010.
    3. Comments from Balazs to fix the EMI software stack references received on 05.08.2010.
    4. Andrea's review. Sent by email on 06.08.2010.
    5. v10 of the SQAP contains comments from the reviewers. Sent email on 10.08.2010.
    6. v11 of the SQAP contains deadlines for policies. Final version sent to Florida on 20.08.2010. Deliverable SA2.1.

-- MariaALANDESPRADILLO - 05-Aug-2010

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
PDFpdf EMI-DSA2_1-1277599-QA_Plan-v2_8.pdf r1 manage 1193.9 K 2012-04-30 - 17:58 MariaALANDESPRADILLO  
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2.1_v1.doc r1 manage 170.5 K 2010-06-24 - 16:33 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 1
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v10.doc r1 manage 469.0 K 2010-08-10 - 17:10 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 10 with comments from official reviewers.
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v11.doc r1 manage 471.5 K 2010-08-20 - 11:19 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - version 11 with deadlines for guidelines.
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v3.doc r1 manage 201.5 K 2010-07-01 - 17:55 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 3 after merging received feedback until 01.07.2010.
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v4.doc r1 manage 214.5 K 2010-07-02 - 16:20 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 4 after phone conference on 02.07.2010
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v5.doc r1 manage 230.0 K 2010-07-08 - 16:49 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 5 with procedures, terminology and security assessments
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v6.doc r1 manage 371.0 K 2010-07-19 - 17:04 MariaALANDESPRADILLO Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 6 with metrics and guidelines.
Microsoft Word filedoc EMI_DSA2_1_v8.doc r1 manage 375.5 K 2010-07-28 - 17:52 UnknownUser Software Quality Assurance Plan - Version 8 with full McCall quality factor definitions
Microsoft Word filedoc Policy_Cover_template.doc r1 manage 59.5 K 2011-08-15 - 14:20 MariaALANDESPRADILLO  
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