MSSM Neutral Higgs

Group Conveners

In case of questions or problems, please report them to all the conveners.


If you use the ROOT files from 2016 and earlier provided on this webpage, please follow the citation guide shifted to this file.
If you use the ROOT files from 2018 and later provided on this webpage, you must cite a fraction of the subsequent technical papers.
Which papers need to be cited depends on which cross sections and branching ratios your analysis is using, see the citation guide right after the list of bibliography. If you are in doubt, ask the group members!
Also don't forget to cite the publications that suggested the benchmark scenarios. Those are listed next to the ROOT files.
Relevant publications given in terms of their inSPIRE texkeys are:

  1. FeynHiggs program
    • \cite{Heinemeyer:1998yj, Heinemeyer:1998np, Degrassi:2002fi, Frank:2006yh, Hahn:2013ria, Bahl:2016brp, Bahl:2017aev,Bahl:2018qog}
    • \cite{Djouadi:1997yw, Djouadi:2018xqq}
  3. Work of the BR subgroup, which is based upon the publications given in this tex-file. This in particular includes also PROPHECY4f with the publications
    • \cite{Bredenstein:2006rh, Bredenstein:2006ha}
  4. SusHi program
    • \cite{Harlander:2012pb, Harlander:2016hcx}
  5. ggH NLO top-bottom massive
    • \cite{Spira:1995rr}
    • \cite{Harlander:2005rq}
  6. NLO SUSY-QCD corrections for h/H/A
    • \cite{Degrassi:2010eu} (NLO-sbottom h/H)
    • \cite{Degrassi:2011vq} (NLO-stop/sbottom A)
    • \cite{Degrassi:2012vt} (NLO-stop h/H)
  7. ggH NNLO for scalar Higgs
    • \cite{Harlander:2002wh, Anastasiou:2002yz, Ravindran:2003um}
  8. ggH NNLO for pseudoscalar Higgs
    • \cite{Harlander:2002vv, Anastasiou:2002wq}
  9. ggH N3LO for scalar Higgs in threshold expansion
    • \cite{Anastasiou:2014lda, Anastasiou:2015yha, Anastasiou:2016cez}
  10. Electroweak corrections by light fermions
    • \cite{Aglietti:2004nj, Bonciani:2010ms}
  11. bbh@nnlo (5FS) program
    • \cite{Harlander:2003ai}
  12. bbH NLO (4FS)
    • \cite{Dittmaier:2003ej, Dawson:2003kb}
  13. bbH matched predictions
    • \cite{Bonvini:2015pxa, Bonvini:2016fgf, Forte:2015hba, Forte:2016sja}
  14. Charged Higgs cross sections
    • \cite{Berger:2003sm, Dittmaier:2009np, Flechl:2014wfa, Degrande:2015vpa, Degrande:2016hyf}

Please copy the relevant inSPIRE texkeys into to access the publications including BibTex entries, etc.
You may also export the above list into a text file, which in turn can be uploaded to the BiblioTools webpage to retrieve all BibTex entries.

Citation guide

In the first place, please cite the LHC Higgs cross-section working group for providing cross-sections and BRs (by citing the Yellow Reports).

We now provide recommendations on how to cite the above publications (the recommended sentences are highlighted in blue):

Citations relevant for the calculation of Higgs masses, mixing and branching ratios:
For all scenarios except the hMSSM, Higgs masses and mixing (and effective Yukawa couplings) have been calculated with the code Feynhiggs [1]. Whereas in the hMSSM branching ratios are solely computed with HDECAY [2], all other scenarios combine the most precise results of FeynHiggs [1], HDECAY [2] and PROPHECY4f [3].
A more detailed description how to cite the individual references relevant for the calculation of branching ratios is given in LHCHXSWG-2015-002, page 10 bottom.

If your analysis makes use of gluon-fusion cross sections, please cite the corresponding block of references as follows:
For the gluon-fusion process inclusive cross sections are obtained with SusHi [3], which includes NLO QCD corrections [5], NNLO QCD corrections for the top-quark contribution in the effective theory of a heavy top quark [7,8] and electroweak effects by light quarks [10].
For all scenarios but the hMSSM and the EFT scenarios please add:
SusHi includes NLO supersymmetric-QCD corrections [6] in expansions of heavy SUSY masses.
If you make use of the cross sections of the SM-like Higgs boson at 125 GeV please add:
For the SM-like Higgs boson SusHi adds N3LO corrections in the effective theory of a heavy top quark in a threshold expansion [9].

Citations relevant for bottom-quark-initiated Higgs production:
Cross sections for bottom-quark initiated Higgs production rely on matched predictions [13], which are based on the five flavour NNLO QCD calculation [11] and the four flavour NLO QCD calculation [12].

Citations relevant for charged-Higgs production:
Charged Higgs cross sections for charged Higgs masses in the window 200-1400 GeV at 8 TeV, 145-2000 GeV at 13 TeV and 200-600 GeV at 14 TeV are determined from the predictions provided in Refs. [14] by applying the reweighting procedure provided by the charged Higgs subgroup of the LHC Higgs cross-section working group.
We refer to the webpage of the charged Higgs subgroup for more information on the reweighting procedure.

Also don't forget to cite the publications that suggested the benchmark scenarios. Those are listed next to the ROOT files.

Current recommendation for interpretation

  • 2018 MSSM benchmark scenarios are recommended to be used for for interpretations.
  • ROOT file version from 2016 is still the recommended for hMSSM.

Table of parameters of interest for model-independent (profiled) $\Delta(-ln\mathcal{L})$ scans

In the following, a table of parameters is given, for which (profiled) $\Delta(-ln\mathcal{L})$ scans are desired to be provided by direct, model-independent searches of experimental collaborations for re-interpretation by theory community. These parameters of interest depend on the particular production and decay channels of considered BSM Higgs bosons.

Channel Discrete Parameters Continious Parameters
$pp\rightarrow\phi + X \rightarrow \tau\tau + X $ $m_{\phi}$ $\sigma(gg\phi) \cdot BR$, $\sigma(bb\phi) \cdot BR$
$pp\rightarrow b(b)\phi + X \rightarrow b(b)bb + X $ $m_{\phi}$ $\sigma(b(b)\phi) \cdot BR$
$pp\rightarrow\phi + X \rightarrow tt + X $ $m_{\phi}$, $\Gamma_{\phi}/m_{\phi}$ $g_{\phi\leftrightarrow tt}$
$pp\rightarrow\phi + X \rightarrow \mu\mu + X $ $m_{\phi}$, $\Gamma_{\phi}/m_{\phi}$ $\sigma(gg\phi) \cdot BR$, $\sigma(bb\phi) \cdot BR$
$pp\rightarrow tbH^{\pm} + X \rightarrow tb\{tb, \tau\nu\} + X $ $m_{H^{\pm}}$ $\sigma(tbH^{\pm}) \cdot BR$
$pp\rightarrow t + X \rightarrow bH^{\pm} + X \rightarrow b\{tb, \tau\nu\} + X $ $m_{H^{\pm}}$ $BR(t\rightarrow bH^{\pm}) \cdot BR$

2018 Content of the ROOT files

Higgs masses, cross sections (including uncertainties) and branching ratios for different MSSM benchmark scenarios are provided in terms of 2 dimensional ROOT histograms usually scanning over the m_A-tanβ plane. In detail the histograms contain:

  • masses and widths of the scalar bosons h/H/A/Hp.
  • cross sections for gluon-gluon fusion h/H/A production (top at N^3LO QCD, bottom and top-bottom interference at NLO QCD, partially with SUSY QCD (SQCD) and electroweak (EW) contributions) including scale and PDF(+α_s) uncertainties.
  • cross sections for b-associated h/H/A production in the SCET/FONLL scheme including uncertainties.
  • cross sections for charged Higgs production including uncertainties (charged Higgs masses between 200-1400GeV at 8TeV, 145-2000GeV at 13TeV and 200-600GeV at 14TeV).
  • branching ratios of h/H/A/Hp to various SM and SUSY particles, see also BR subgroup.
  • SM-like branching ratios corresponding to a SM-like Higgs of the same mass as the ~125 GeV SUSY state.

The structure of the histograms is rather complicated. To ensure that the numbers are extracted properly, a simple C++ class is provided. Details can be found below.

Adjusting BSM predictions for SM-like Higgs boson to match the mass of the observed Higgs boson

The following recommendation based on the brief discussion in section 3.3.2 of arXiv:1808.07542 is meant for analyses with high sensitivity to the observed Higgs boson with a mass $m = 125.38$ GeV (\cite{CMS:2020xrn}). The reweighting approach presented here aims for a correction of BSM predictions for SM-like Higgs boson to what they would correspond to at a mass $m = 125.38$ GeV. This approach is considered as valid for predictions of SM-like Higgs boson with a mass compatible with $m = 125.38$ GeV within the theory uncertainty of $\pm 3$ GeV.

Assuming, that the mass dependence of cross-section ($\sigma$) and branching fraction ($BR$) predictions for the SM-like Higgs boson $\phi$ factorize from BSM contributions, the predictions at $m_{\phi} = 125.38 \pm 3$ GeV can be obtained as follows:

  • Cross sections: $\sigma^\mathrm{BSM}(125.38\,\mathrm{GeV}) = \sigma^\mathrm{BSM}(m_{\phi}) \cdot \sigma^\mathrm{SM}(125.38\,\mathrm{GeV}) /  \sigma^\mathrm{SM}(m_{\phi})$
  • Branching fractions: $BR^\mathrm{BSM}(125.38\,\mathrm{GeV}) = BR^\mathrm{BSM}(m_{\phi}) \cdot BR^\mathrm{SM}(125.38\,\mathrm{GeV}) /  BR^\mathrm{SM}(m_{\phi})$

In case the signal templates used for statistical inference are already scaled to the SM expectation at $m = 125.38$ GeV, the reweighing scale-factors $\mu$ can be computed as follows:

  • Gluon fusion production: $\mu^\mathrm{BSM}_{gg\phi} =  \sigma^\mathrm{BSM}_{gg\phi}(m_{\phi}) / \sigma^\mathrm{SM}_{gg\phi}(m_{\phi}) \quad \cdot \quad BR^\mathrm{BSM}(m_{\phi}) / BR^\mathrm{SM}(m_{\phi})$
  • Associated with bottom quarks: $\mu^\mathrm{BSM}_{bb\phi} =  \sigma^\mathrm{BSM}_{bb\phi}(m_{\phi}) / \sigma^\mathrm{SM}_{bb\phi}(m_{\phi})  \quad \cdot \quad  BR^\mathrm{BSM}(m_{\phi}) / BR^\mathrm{SM}(m_{\phi})$
  • Production modes involving the coupling to gauge bosons: $\mu^\mathrm{BSM}_{VV\phi} =   g^{2}_{\phi\leftrightarrow VV}\quad \cdot \quad  BR^\mathrm{BSM}(m_{\phi}) / BR^\mathrm{SM}(m_{\phi})$

The factor $g^{2}_{\phi\leftrightarrow VV}$ depends on the Higgs boson that is considered to be SM-like:

  • Light scalar h: $g^{2}_{\phi\leftrightarrow VV} = \sin^2(\beta - \alpha)$
  • Heavy scalar H: $g^{2}_{\phi\leftrightarrow VV} = \cos^2(\beta - \alpha)$
  • For H1 from CPV scenario, assuming $g^{2}_{\phi\leftrightarrow VV} = 1$ for the time-being.

For CP conserving scenarios, the scalar mass mixing angle $\alpha$ can be computed from the coupling of the heavy scalar to top quarks, stored as

in the ROOT files and corresponding to $\sin(\alpha) / \sin(\beta)$.

The proposed reweighting factors can then be directly compared with SM signal strengh measurements, be used to obtain CLs upper limits and/or to construct the BSM hypothesis to be tested against SM hypothesis with $\mu = 1$.

Access tool for the ROOT files

For the benchmark scenarios released in 2018 we provide a new version of the access tool v2.2, which is not compatible with the old ROOT files. We keep the old access tool for compatibility.

ALERT! Please note that for all access tools the cross section predictions (and uncertainties) are consistently provided in pb .

  • Access tool version 0.5 (for 7 and 8 TeV): Download the header file and the implementation file. For information about the usage, please consult the header file, or use the help() method of the class, which will explain all available methods. On initialization with an input file, some information on the used MSSM parameters is also printed out on screen. The accessor tool has been tested with ROOT stand-alone and was tested to be compiled stand-alone GCC4.4. Please remove the "v_1.0" tag at the end of the files. To work with the access tool you have to include the corresponding C++ class. help() gives you a list of the available commands. Example calls can be found here.

  • Access tool version 1.0 (for (8,) 13 and 14 TeV): Download the header file and the implementation file and the python wrapper. Please remove the "v_1.0" tag at the end of the files. To work with the access tool you have to include the corresponding C++ class. First a shared library has to be compiled. Example calls can be found here.

  • Access tool version 2.3 (for 8, 13 (and 14 TeV)): Download the header file and the implementation file and the python wrapper. Please remove the "_v2.2/2.3" tag at the end of the files. To work with the access tool you have to include the corresponding C++ class. First a shared library has to be compiled. The ROOT files were generated with ROOT 6.13. Older ROOT versions might have problems in reading the content. The routines are mostly identical to tool version 1.0 with the following exceptions: The 4FS/5FS/Santander matched cross sections for bottom-quark annihilation are replaced with SCET/FONLL numbers, which are accessed through bbH_A/H/h. Also charged Higgs cross sections are available now. For the naming conventions and the implemented uncertainties please check the routines that can be found in mssm_xs_tools.h. From 2.0 to 2.1 the python wrapper was updated. From 2.1 to 2.2 new readout routines for relative Yukawa couplings were added. From 2.2 to 2.3 we added routines to access the data stored in the scenario with CP violation.
         root -l
         .L mssm_xs_tools.C++
    Then either the python wrapper or the .C file could be used:
         mssm=mssm_xs_tools("mh125_13.root",true,0)   // "true" enables interpolation between the grid points, "0" avoids messages by the access tool, set to "3" or "100" for additional information
         mssm.width("H",300,3)   "H-­>tautau",300,3)   

  • Access tool version 2.4 (for 8, 13 (and 14 TeV)): Download the header file and the implementation file and the python wrapper. Please remove the "_v2.4" tag at the end of the files. Same as version 2.3 but with the following fixes and additions: fixed the access of the charged boson branching ratios to quarks; fixed access to the decay $h \to Z \gamma$; added two functions to return mA and the imaginary part of deltab; added various functions to access the "SM-like" BRs.

ROOT histograms: 2018 and beyond MSSM benchmark scenarios for 8, 13 (and 14 TeV) - Access tool version 2.0/2.1/2.2/2.3/2.4

Charged Higgs cross sections have a limited range in the charged Higgs boson masses, see above.

Scenarios named in orange are obtained with the setup that will be described in a public note of the LHCHXSWG. The setup equals mostly the one presented in arXiv:1808.07542.

Similarly, scenarios named in purple are obtained with the setup described in 1901.05933.


  • January 2019
    • Updated to include Yb*Yt term in bbh XS. No further changes to be expected. Only additional information will be added, like branching ratios of the heavy Higgs bosons into individual pairs of electroweakinos.

  • March 2020
    • An issue in the decays of the light Higgs boson was identified in the ROOT files of the subsequent five scenarios. Please for now do not make use of the light Higgs-boson branching ratios in these files. We expect an update within a few weeks.

  • 1st December 2020 (Emanuele Bagnaschi)
    • Release of the $M_H^{125}$(alignment)$ scenario.
    • Release of the three new scenarios with negative $\mu$ defined in arXiv:2005.14536;
    • For all the non-EFT scenarios, an additional set of histograms with the BR corresponding to a SM-like boson with the same mass as the MSSM state corresponding to the observed Higgs boson has been added. The histogram names have the pattern "br_h_{decay}_SM". A set of utility functions to access those histograms have been added to the access tool.
    • Fixed the value of $\Delta_b$ for all the non-EFT scenarios. The bug affecting the previous versions affected mostly the low $\tan\beta$ region.
    • Added an histogram for the imaginary part of $\Delta_b$ ("rescale_im_deltab"). This is relevant for the $M_{h_1}^{125}$(CPV) scenario.
    • Removed the BRs of the neutral higgses to ee and of the charged Higgs to ud since they can not be consistently defined in the current setup.
    • Fixed the stored values of the top width and of the top BRs to $H^{\pm} b$.
    • Updated the FeynHiggs version to the public release of 2.14.3, this impacts some BRs.
    • Update HDECAY to version 6.53 where a modification of the SUSY-QCD corrections for proper ∆b terms has been implemented to recover the decoupling behavior in the BRs of the light Higgs.
    • The update of the codes above has a significant impact on the light Higgs properties and a less important but still non-negligible impact on the heavy Higgs properties. If you have performed studies based on the previous versions of the ROOT files, you should perform them again with the latest version to verify that the outcome is not impacted by these upgrades.
    • Various fixes in the access tool (see above).

  • 9th July 2021 (Emanuele Bagnaschi)
    • Updated the ROOT files of the EFT scenarios with the inclusion of the SM-like BRs.
    • Fixed the values of $\Delta_b$ in the ROOT files of the EFT scenarios.

  • 12th July 2021 (Emanuele Bagnaschi)
    • Removed EW corrections from the SM predictions obtained with HDECAY in the ROOT files of the non-EFT scenarios $M_h^{125}$ (and the negative $\mu$ variants), $M_h^{125}(\tilde \chi)$, $M_h^{125}(\tilde\tau)$, $M_h^{125}$(alignment) , in order to be consistent with the MSSM predictions.

  • 2nd December 2021 (Emanuele Bagnaschi)
    • First release on Zenodo (
    • Updated the hMSSM ROOT file to the same setup used for the other scenarios (latest version of {\tt SusHi}; PDF4LHC15 recommendations; $bb$ cross-sections from the matched results provided by the bbH WG; inclusion of reference SM histograms)
    • Added the cross sections for the VBF, Higgsstrahlung and ttH production processes for the three neutral Higgses and for the SM reference case
    • Added mixing information of the neutral Higgs sector
    • Added the trilinear self-coupling of the SM-like Higgs, and of a SM Higgs with the same (the latter at tree level and including the $m_t^4$ term)
    • Cleaned-up and reorganized the histograms with a more consistent naming
    • Removed the decay $H^{\pm} \to us$ due to theoretical issues
    • Update to the latest {\tt HDECAY} version ($\Delta_b$ with electroweak 2-loop corrections proportional to $\alpha_1$ and $\alpha_2$; $m_t^4$ term in the hMSSM trilinear self-coupling)

The ROOT files are now released on Zenodo at (the DOI link should always take you to the latest version of the record). Subsequent updates will be released there, by publishing new versions of the record.

Whenever using the ROOT files, please include a citation to the Zenodo record. Note that you should use a version-aware citation entry, so that it is possible to track down exactly the correspondence between the ROOT file version and the results you are publishing. You can download the appropriate bibtex entry directly from the Zenodo page.

The files below are kept for archival reasons.

The structure of the ROOT files and of the official interface is described in the working group note LHCHWG-2021-001, available at Please cite this note as well, when using the ROOT files.

Baseline scenarios

Subsequently you find ROOT histograms for the MSSM benchmark scenarios defined in:
"MSSM Higgs Boson Searches at the LHC: Benchmark Scenarios for Run 2 and Beyond"
Emanuele Bagnaschi, Henning Bahl, Elina Fuchs, Thomas Hahn, Sven Heinemeyer, Stefan Liebler, Shruti Patel, Pietro Slavich, Tim Stefaniak, Carlos E.M. Wagner, Georg Weiglein

inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Bahl:2018zmf}

Most scans in the m_A-tanβ-plane have been made between m_A=70 GeV and m_A=2600 GeV and between tanβ=0.5 and 60.

  • $M_h^{125}$
    • This scenario is characterized by relatively heavy superparticles, so the Higgs phenomenology at the LHC resembles that of a THDM with MSSM-inspired Higgs couplings.
    • mh125_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV

  • $M_h^{125}(\tilde \chi)$
    • This scenario is characterized by all charginos and neutralinos being relatively light, with significant higgsino-gaugino mixing. This affects the decays of the heavier Higgs bosons, weakening the exclusion bounds from H/A->tau tau searches, as well as the decay of the SM-like Higgs boson to photons. On the other hand, the possibility to look for additional Higgs bosons through their decays to charginos and neutralinos opens up.
    • mh125_lc_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_lc_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_lc_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV

  • $M_h^{125}(\tilde\tau)$
    • This scenario is characterized by light staus and light gaugino-like charginos and neutralinos. The effect of the light staus on the decays of the heavier Higgs bosons, as well as on the decay of the SM-like Higgs boson to photons, is most relevant at large tanβ. Compared with the previous scenario, a larger mass for the higgsinos implies that the decays of the heavier Higgs bosons to charginos and neutralinos become relevant at larger values of mA.
    • mh125_ls_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_ls_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV
    • mh125_ls_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 0.5-60, mA = 70-2600 GeV

  • $M_h^{125}$(alignment)
    • This scenario is characterized by the phenomenon of "alignment without decoupling'', in which, for a given value of tanβ, one of the two neutral CP-even scalars has SM-like couplings independently of the mass spectrum of the remaining Higgs bosons. In particular, for tanβ around 7 the properties of the lighter scalar h are in agreement with those of the observed Higgs boson also for relatively low values of mA.
    • [NOTE: In contrast to the definition in arXiv:1808.07542, the ROOT files start only at mA > 120 GeV due to a theoretically inaccessible region at low mA < 120 GeV and tanβ>10].
    • mh125_align_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mA = 120-1000 GeV
    • mh125_align_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mA = 120-1000 GeV
    • mh125_align_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mA = 120-1000 GeV

  • $M_H^{125}$(alignment)
    • This scenario is characterized by the phenomenon of "alignment without decoupling'', in which, for a given value of tanβ, one of the two neutral CP-even scalars has SM-like couplings independently of the mass spectrum of the remaining Higgs bosons. In particular, for this scenario the properties of the heavier scalar H are tuned to be agreement with those of the observed Higgs boson, for part of the parameter plane.
    • [NOTE: ROOT files temporarily generated using FeynHiggs only!].
    • mHH125_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 5-6, mHp = 150-200 GeV
    • mHH125_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 5-6, mHp = 150-200 GeV
    • mHH125_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 5-6, mHp = 150-200 GeV

  • $M_{h_1}^{125}$(CPV)
    • This scenario incorporates CP violation in the Higgs sector and gives rise to a strong admixture of the two heavier neutral states, leading to significant interference effects in their production and decay which weaken the exclusion bounds from tau tau searches.
    • [NOTE: the scenario contains three neutral Higgs bosons H1, H2 and H3 rather than h, H and A. H1 is understood as the SM-like Higgs boson with a mass at 125 GeV in large parts of the parameter space. The input parameters are tanβ and the charged Higgs mass mHp rather than mA. Please consider mssm_xs_tools.h for new access functions for the cross sections, masses and branching ratios. In contrast to the CP conserving scenarios we do not provide relative Yukawa couplings as those do have a real and imaginary contribution to both the vector and axial-vector component. On the other hand, we do provide interference factors eta(bb->H2/H3->bb/tau tau) as in such channels large destructive interferences between H2 and H3 appear. When interpreting a search in those final states, do not forget to multiply sigma(bb->H2/H3)*BR(H2/H3->bb/tautau) with the corresponding (1+eta) factor! This scenario needs access tool version 2.3 or higher.]
    • mh1125_CPV_8.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mHp = 130-1500 GeV
    • mh1125_CPV_13.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mHp = 130-1500 GeV
    • mh1125_CPV_14.root: 14 TeV, tanβ= 1-20, mHp = 130-1500 GeV

Negative mu scenarios

A set of scenarios corresponding to the $M_h^{125}$ one but with negative values of $\mu = -1, -2, -3$ TeV have been defined in
"HL-LHC and ILC sensitivities in the hunt for heavy Higgs bosons"
H. Bahl, P. Bechtle, S. Heinemeyer, S. Liebler, T. Stefaniak, G. Weiglein

inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Bahl:2020kwe}

These scenarios are characterized by larger $\Delta_b$ effects, which reduce the allowed parameter space.

Low tanbeta, EFT-based scenarios

Subsequently you find ROOT histograms for the MSSM benchmark scenarios defined in:
"MSSM Higgs Benchmark Scenarios for Run 2 and Beyond: the low tanβ region"
Henning Bahl, Stefan Liebler, Tim Stefaniak

inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Bahl:2019ago}

When using these ROOT files, please also \cite{Bahl:2018jom}, which describes the details of the calculations contained in the FeynHiggs version used to define these scenarios.

Both scans in the m_A-tanβ-plane have been made between m_A=70 GeV and m_A=3000 GeV and between tanβ=1 and 10.
They are extended beyond 2600 GeV as the squarks are heavier and no thresholds appear in gluon fusion between 2600 and 3000 GeV.
The scenarios provide a light CP-even Higgs mass of 125 GeV almost throughout the whole parameter plane by adjusting the SUSY scale to very high values.
They supplement the above scenarios, as they have a correct Higgs mass of 125 GeV at low tanβ, and can be used in direct comparison to the hMSSM.
The scenarios supersede the "low-tb-high" scenario.

ROOT histograms: 2013-2016 MSSM benchmark scenarios for (8,) 13 and 14 TeV - Access tool version 1.0

This section includes ROOT histograms for the benchmark scenarios recommended for the analysis of (8,) 13 and 14 TeV data before 2018. The citation guide for the scenarios is as follows:

The "low-tb-high" scenario was defined in LHCHXSWG-2015-002,
inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Bagnaschi:2015hka}

The "hMSSM" approach was proposed in four 2013-2015 publications:
inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Djouadi:2013vqa, Maiani:2013hud, Djouadi:2013uqa, Djouadi:2015jea}

The remaining six scenarios listed below were defined in:
"MSSM Higgs Boson Searches at the LHC: Benchmark Scenarios after the Discovery of a Higgs-like Particle"
M. Carena, S. Heinemeyer, O. Stål, C.E.M. Wagner, G. Weiglein

inSPIRE texkey: \cite{Carena:2013ytb}

Most scans in the m_A-tanβ-plane have been made between m_A=90 GeV and m_A=2000 GeV and between tanβ=0.5 and 60.
ROOT histograms for 13 and 14 TeV as well as for the low-tanβ-high scenario/hMSSM:

ALERT! 27.05.2016: Update of the (8,) 13 and 14TeV ROOT histograms with corrected bbH cross sections .

  • hMSSM files: Produced with SusHi 1.4.1 (with 2HDM input)+ bbH (4FS) (including Yt*Yb terms) and green ggH and bbH choices
    • hMSSM_8TeV.root: 8 TeV, tanβ= 0.8-60, mA = 130-1000 GeV (updated 27.05.2016)
    • hMSSM_13TeV.root: 13 TeV, tanβ= 0.8-60, mA = 130-1000 GeV (updated 27.05.2016). Bug found in May 2018: Please be aware that the heavy Higgs gluon-fusion cross section (`xs_gg_H` histogram in the .root file) contains some duplicated values along tanb (tanb having a stepsize of 0.1 at lower tanb). If you need cross section values at this resolution, please contact the MSSMNeutral team to request the original ASCII file.

  • mh-mod- files

  • light stop files : The scenario differs from the original one in arXiv:1302.7033 by M1=350 GeV, M2=μ=400 GeV to avoid bounds from direct stop searches.

Scenarios named in green are obtained with the following setup:
FeynHiggs 2.10.2 with default flags + SusHi 1.4.1 (=1.5.0) + bbH (4FS) (including Yt*Yb terms)

  • ggH choices:
    • μ_R=μ_F=m_Phi/2.
    • Scale uncertainties: Seven combinations of scales μ_R=μ_F={m_Phi/4,m_Phi/2,m_Phi} with the constraint 1/2 ≤ μ_R/μ_F ≤ 2
    • PDF(+α_s) uncertainties: obtained for a SM Higgs boson with corresponding mass using MSTW2008
  • bbH (5FS) choices:
    • μ_R= m_Phi, μ_F=0.25*m_Phi.
    • Scale uncertainties: Seven combinations of scales μ_R={m_Phi/2,m_Phi,2m_Phi} and μ_F={m_Phi/8,m_Phi/4,m_Phi/2} with the constraint 2 ≤ μ_R/μ_F ≤ 8
    • PDF(+α_s) uncertainties: obtained for a SM Higgs boson with corresponding mass using MSTW2008
  • For the SM input to FeynHiggs and SusHi we refer to the bottom of the page.

ROOT histograms: <2013 MSSM benchmark scenarios for 7 and 8 TeV - Access tool version 0.5

The scans in the m_A-tanβ-plane have been made between m_A=90 GeV and m_A=1000 GeV and between tanβ=1 and 60. For lower values of tanβ between 0.5 and 0.9 seperate ROOT histograms are available. Differences with respect to this procedure are highlighted.

Scenarios named in red are obtained with the following setup:
FeynHiggs 2.8.6 with default flags + SusHi 1.0.6 + bbH (4FS) scans

  • ggH scale choices:
    • μ_R=μ_F=m_Phi.
    • Scale variation: 0.5*m_Phi < μ_R, μ_F < 2*m_Phi
  • bbH (5FS) scale choices:
    • μ_R= m_Phi, μ_F=0.25*m_Phi.
    • Scale variation: 0.2*m_Phi < μ_R < 5*m_Phi ; 0.1*m_Phi < μ_F < 0.7*m_Phi

Scenarios named in blue are obtained with the following setup:
HIGLU + ggH@NNLO + bbH@NNLO (5FS) + bbH (4FS) scans

  • ggH scale choices:
    • μ_R=μ_F=m_Phi.
    • Scale variation: 0.5*m_Phi < μ_R, μ_F < 2*m_Phi
  • bbH (5FS) scale choices:
    • μ_R= m_Phi, μ_F=0.25*m_Phi.
    • Scale variation: 0.2*m_Phi < μ_R < 5*m_Phi ; 0.1*m_Phi < μ_F < 0.7*m_Phi

Please use v5 of the access tool (remove "_v0.5" tag): header file and implementation file.

ROOT histograms: 'traditional mhmax' benchmark scenario - Access tool version 0.4

Subsequently you may find the numbers for the 'traditional mhmax' scenario, which is defined by the parameter choice:
μ = 200GeV, M_Susy = 1000GeV, X_t = 2000GeV, M_2 = 200GeV, M_3 = 800GeV
It is known to provide a light Higgs with m_h>126GeV in large parts of the m_A-tanβ plane.

We present the ROOT histograms produced by the MSSM subgroup at an early stage in the m_A-tanβ-plane for 7 TeV and for 14 TeV. The scans have been made between m_A=90 GeV and m_A=1000 GeV and between tanβ=1 and 60 (5 and 70 for the 14 TeV scan). For very low tanβ, the scan is done between tanβ=0.5 and 0.9 in steps of 0.1. They are kept for documentation:

FeynHiggs 2.7.4 with default flags + HIGLU + ggH@NNLO + bbH@NNLO (5FS) + bbH (4FS) scans

  • ggH scale choices:
    • μ_R=μ_F=m_Phi.
    • Scale variation: 0.5*m_Phi < μ_R, μ_F < 2*m_Phi
  • out.mhmax_7.root: mhmax, 7 TeV
  • out.mhmax_7.root: mhmax, 14 TeV (no bbh 4FS and thus no Santander-matched XS and no PDF uncertainties! You obtain unreasonable results by the access tool!)

For 7 and 8 TeV please make use of the subsequent ROOT histograms:
HIGLU + ggH@NNLO + bbH@NNLO (5FS) + bbH (4FS) scans

The scenario is availabe for other (negative) values of μ as well, see attachments!

To read these files please use the old tool (v4): header file and implementation file.

Tools and Programs

If you aim to get cross sections and branching ratios for other scenarios than the ones on this webpage, you may use the following codes, which were also used to calculate the provided numbers:

  • Higgs mass calculation and branching ratios: FeynHiggs:
  • Gluon fusion cross section: ggh@nnlo
  • Gluon fusion cross section: HIGLU
  • Bottom-quark annihilation (5FS) cross section: bbh@nnlo
  • Gluon fusion (incl. SQCD and EW) and bottom-quark annihilation (5FS) cross section: SusHi

Discussion of MSSM scenarios with low tanβ and Heavy SUSY

Please check the dedicated twiki page here and the information provided in:

"Benchmark scenarios for low tanβ in the MSSM"
E. Bagnaschi, F. Frensch, S. Heinemeyer, G. Lee, S. Liebler, M. Mühlleitner, A. Mc Carn, J. Quevillon, N. Rompotis, P. Slavich, M. Spira, C. Wagner, R. Wolf


Outdated discussions (kept for the sake of completeness)

Considerations on H->tautau (~2011)
Choice of input parameters (<2016)

Topic attachments
I Attachment History Action Size Date Who Comment
Texttxt choiceofinputparameters.txt r1 manage 2.1 K 2018-12-07 - 17:39 UnknownUser  
Texttxt citationguide2013-16.txt r2 r1 manage 2.5 K 2018-12-10 - 09:53 UnknownUser  
Texttxt considerationsonhiggstotautau.txt r1 manage 3.6 K 2015-08-03 - 11:03 UnknownUser Discussion on H->tau tau at the time of YR1
Unknown file formatroot lightstau1_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7403.3 K 2016-05-27 - 14:15 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot lightstau1_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7402.7 K 2016-05-27 - 14:15 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot lightstopmod_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 5080.2 K 2016-05-27 - 14:16 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot lightstopmod_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 5080.8 K 2016-05-27 - 14:16 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot mHH125_13.root r1 manage 20507.8 K 2020-12-01 - 17:44 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mHH125_14.root r1 manage 19746.7 K 2020-12-01 - 17:44 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mHH125_8.root r1 manage 19744.5 K 2020-12-01 - 17:44 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh1125_CPV_13.root r3 r2 r1 manage 30596.6 K 2020-12-01 - 17:39 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh1125_CPV_14.root r3 r2 r1 manage 30012.6 K 2020-12-01 - 17:39 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh1125_CPV_8.root r3 r2 r1 manage 30451.1 K 2020-12-01 - 17:39 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_13.root r2 r1 manage 27027.1 K 2021-07-09 - 17:09 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1 Mh125EFT 13 TeV
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_14.root r2 r1 manage 26618.4 K 2021-07-09 - 17:10 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_8.root r2 r1 manage 26839.2 K 2021-07-09 - 17:10 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_lc_13.root r2 r1 manage 27207.1 K 2021-07-09 - 17:11 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_lc_14.root r2 r1 manage 26798.1 K 2021-07-09 - 17:11 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125EFT_lc_8.root r2 r1 manage 27018.0 K 2021-07-09 - 17:11 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_13.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 46985.2 K 2021-07-12 - 12:31 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_14.root r3 r2 r1 manage 46113.1 K 2021-07-12 - 12:31 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_8.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 46578.8 K 2021-07-12 - 12:32 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_align_13.root r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 42954.0 K 2021-07-12 - 12:39 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_align_14.root r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 42561.3 K 2021-07-12 - 12:39 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_align_8.root r5 r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 42846.6 K 2021-07-12 - 12:40 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_lc_13.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 48062.9 K 2021-07-12 - 12:36 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_lc_14.root r3 r2 r1 manage 47189.2 K 2021-07-12 - 12:36 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_lc_8.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 47655.6 K 2021-07-12 - 12:37 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_ls_13.root r3 r2 r1 manage 47852.6 K 2021-07-12 - 12:38 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_ls_14.root r3 r2 r1 manage 46977.1 K 2021-07-12 - 12:37 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_ls_8.root r3 r2 r1 manage 47443.4 K 2021-07-12 - 12:38 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_1_13.root r2 r1 manage 46809.9 K 2021-07-12 - 12:33 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_1_14.root r2 r1 manage 46129.8 K 2021-07-12 - 12:32 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_1_8.root r2 r1 manage 46530.4 K 2021-07-12 - 12:33 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_2_13.root r2 r1 manage 31398.0 K 2021-07-12 - 12:34 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_2_14.root r2 r1 manage 30815.5 K 2021-07-12 - 12:34 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_2_8.root r2 r1 manage 31144.9 K 2021-07-12 - 12:34 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_3_13.root r2 r1 manage 25945.5 K 2021-07-12 - 12:35 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_3_14.root r2 r1 manage 25426.3 K 2021-07-12 - 12:35 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mh125_muneg_3_8.root r2 r1 manage 25710.1 K 2021-07-12 - 12:35 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7404.0 K 2016-05-27 - 14:17 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7403.0 K 2016-05-27 - 14:17 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_7TeV_tanbHigh.root r2 r1 manage 17111.9 K 2014-07-04 - 12:48 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_7TeV_tanbLow.root r2 r1 manage 1527.6 K 2014-07-04 - 12:47 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_8TeV_tanbHigh.root r2 r1 manage 17098.7 K 2014-07-04 - 12:47 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodm_8TeV_tanbLow.root r2 r1 manage 1527.2 K 2014-07-04 - 12:47 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_7TeV_tanbHigh.root r2 r1 manage 17131.6 K 2014-07-04 - 12:47 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_7TeV_tanbLow.root r2 r1 manage 1526.2 K 2014-07-04 - 12:46 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_8TeV_tanbHigh.root r2 r1 manage 17120.1 K 2014-07-04 - 12:46 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_8TeV_tanbLow.root r2 r1 manage 1525.7 K 2014-07-04 - 12:46 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu-1000_8TeV.root r1 manage 8378.3 K 2015-04-24 - 13:43 UnknownUser mhmodp scenario for 8TeV with different values of mu
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu-200_8TeV.root r1 manage 11430.2 K 2015-04-24 - 13:43 UnknownUser mhmodp scenario for 8TeV with different values of mu
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu-500_8TeV.root r1 manage 11433.9 K 2015-04-24 - 13:43 UnknownUser mhmodp scenario for 8TeV with different values of mu
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu1000_8TeV.root r1 manage 11342.3 K 2015-04-24 - 13:43 UnknownUser mhmodp scenario for 8TeV with different values of mu
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu200_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7414.6 K 2016-05-27 - 14:18 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu200_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7413.4 K 2016-05-27 - 14:18 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot mhmodp_mu500_8TeV.root r1 manage 11520.7 K 2015-04-24 - 13:43 UnknownUser mhmodp scenario for 8TeV with different values of mu
Unknown file format5 mssm_xs_tools.C_v0.5 r1 manage 26.7 K 2015-07-31 - 23:52 FelixFrensch Access tool: version 0.5
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer0 mssm_xs_tools.C_v1.0 r2 r1 manage 6.5 K 2015-08-03 - 10:48 FelixFrensch Access tool: version 1.0
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer0 mssm_xs_tools.C_v2.0 r1 manage 6.5 K 2018-12-07 - 17:46 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format1 mssm_xs_tools.C_v2.1 r1 manage 6.5 K 2019-07-24 - 16:26 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format2 mssm_xs_tools.C_v2.2 r1 manage 6.8 K 2019-09-25 - 16:28 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format3 mssm_xs_tools.C_v2.3 r1 manage 6.8 K 2019-12-03 - 17:01 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format4 mssm_xs_tools.C_v2.4 r1 manage 6.9 K 2020-12-01 - 17:48 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Unknown file format5 mssm_xs_tools.h_v0.5 r1 manage 11.3 K 2015-07-31 - 23:52 FelixFrensch Access tool: version 0.5
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer0 mssm_xs_tools.h_v1.0 r3 r2 r1 manage 29.8 K 2015-10-06 - 11:26 AllisonMcCarn Access tool: version 1.0
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer0 mssm_xs_tools.h_v2.0 r1 manage 27.5 K 2018-12-07 - 17:46 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format1 mssm_xs_tools.h_v2.1 r1 manage 27.1 K 2019-07-24 - 16:26 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format2 mssm_xs_tools.h_v2.2 r1 manage 28.5 K 2019-09-25 - 16:28 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format3 mssm_xs_tools.h_v2.3 r1 manage 44.2 K 2019-12-03 - 17:01 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format4 mssm_xs_tools.h_v2.4 r2 r1 manage 47.2 K 2020-12-01 - 18:50 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
Empty transparent 16x16 spacer0 mssm_xs_tools.py_v1.0 r2 r1 manage 4.6 K 2015-08-03 - 10:48 FelixFrensch Access tool: version 1.0
Unknown file format1 mssm_xs_tools.py_v2.1 r1 manage 4.2 K 2019-07-24 - 16:26 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format2 mssm_xs_tools.py_v2.2 r1 manage 4.7 K 2019-09-25 - 16:28 UnknownUser  
Unknown file format4 mssm_xs_tools.py_v2.4 r1 manage 4.7 K 2020-12-01 - 17:48 EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1  
C source code filec mssm_xs_tools_v0.4.C r1 manage 39.0 K 2013-12-04 - 16:55 MonicaVazquezAcosta Access tool: version 0.4
Header fileh mssm_xs_tools_v0.4.h r1 manage 16.8 K 2013-12-04 - 16:55 MonicaVazquezAcosta Access tool: version 0.4
Unknown file formatroot newmhmax_mu200_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7412.8 K 2016-05-27 - 14:19 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot newmhmax_mu200_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 7409.3 K 2016-05-27 - 14:20 UnknownUser  
Texttxt oldaccesstoolexamples.txt r1 manage 1.2 K 2018-12-07 - 17:31 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstau1-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16943.4 K 2014-02-10 - 11:14 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstau1-7TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1507.3 K 2014-02-10 - 11:13 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstau1-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16928.9 K 2014-02-10 - 11:13 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstau1-8TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1506.7 K 2014-02-10 - 11:13 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstopmod-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16863.7 K 2014-03-12 - 15:21 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstopmod-7TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1189.6 K 2014-03-12 - 15:21 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstopmod-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16861.1 K 2014-03-12 - 15:21 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lightstopmod-8TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1188.8 K 2014-03-12 - 15:20 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lowmH-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r2 r1 manage 3502.1 K 2014-06-10 - 16:08 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.lowmH-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r2 r1 manage 3498.6 K 2014-06-10 - 16:08 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax-mu200-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 29190.4 K 2014-02-10 - 11:12 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax-mu200-7TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 2222.2 K 2014-02-10 - 11:11 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax-mu200-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 30870.5 K 2014-02-10 - 11:11 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax-mu200-8TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 2348.7 K 2014-02-10 - 11:11 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_14.root r1 manage 14773.6 K 2010-11-19 - 20:50 UnknownUser mhmax scan results for 14 TeV,bbh 4f results and PDF uncertainties for ggF missing at the moment.
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_7.root r2 r1 manage 21510.6 K 2010-12-14 - 11:38 TrevorVickey mhmax scan results for 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27491.7 K 2011-02-04 - 14:53 MonicaVazquezAcosta Scan which include the ggF+bbH combined PDF uncertainty
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-200_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2235.4 K 2012-02-01 - 15:20 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-200, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-200_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27687.2 K 2011-11-11 - 10:47 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-200, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-200_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29388.4 K 2012-02-01 - 15:26 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-200, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-400_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2237.0 K 2012-02-01 - 15:21 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-400, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-400_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27760.7 K 2011-11-11 - 10:48 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-400, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu-400_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29461.3 K 2012-02-01 - 15:27 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=-400, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu200_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2235.4 K 2012-02-01 - 15:19 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=200, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu200_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27491.7 K 2011-11-11 - 10:45 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=200, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu200_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29205.3 K 2012-02-01 - 15:24 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=200, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu200_8_nnlo.low_tanBeta_FHv274.root r1 manage 2357.9 K 2012-10-15 - 10:42 TrevorVickey FeynHiggs 2.7.4: 8 TeV MSSM Neutral Higgs scans in the mhmax and nomixing scenarios for mA=[90 GeV,1000 GeV] and tanB=[0.5,0.9]; Note no BRs for WW or gamma-gamma
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu200_8_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1_FHv274.root r1 manage 30883.1 K 2012-07-27 - 14:20 MonicaVazquezAcosta FeynHiggs 2.7.4: 8 TeV MSSM Neutral Higgs scans in the mhmax and nomixing scenarios for mA=[90 GeV,1000 GeV] and tanB=[1,70]; Note no BRs for WW or gamma-gamma
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu400_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2235.7 K 2012-02-01 - 15:18 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=400, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu400_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27640.0 K 2011-11-11 - 10:45 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=400, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu400_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29341.8 K 2012-02-01 - 15:24 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=400, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu600_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2237.1 K 2012-02-01 - 15:19 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=600, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu600_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27461.1 K 2011-11-11 - 10:46 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=600, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu600_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29163.1 K 2012-02-01 - 15:25 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=600, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu800_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2238.0 K 2012-02-01 - 15:20 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=800, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu800_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27335.9 K 2011-11-11 - 10:46 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=800, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmax_mu800_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29038.1 K 2012-02-01 - 15:25 MonicaVazquezAcosta mhmax mu=800, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodm-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16947.0 K 2014-02-10 - 11:15 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodm-7TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1509.1 K 2014-02-10 - 11:15 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodm-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16933.8 K 2014-02-10 - 11:15 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodm-8TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1508.6 K 2014-02-10 - 11:15 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodp-7TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16967.0 K 2014-02-10 - 11:17 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodp-7TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1507.8 K 2014-02-10 - 11:16 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodp-8TeV-tanbHigh-nnlo.root r1 manage 16955.5 K 2014-02-10 - 11:16 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.mhmodp-8TeV-tanbLow-nnlo.root r1 manage 1507.3 K 2014-02-10 - 11:16 MonicaVazquezAcosta  
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu-200_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2219.2 K 2012-02-01 - 15:23 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=-200, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu-200_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27556.2 K 2011-11-15 - 14:26 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=-200, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu-200_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29102.2 K 2012-02-01 - 15:28 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=-200, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu200_7_nnlo.low_tanBeta.root r1 manage 2217.8 K 2012-02-01 - 15:22 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=200, 7 TeV, tanbeta between 0.5 & 0.9
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu200_7_nnlo.root r1 manage 27476.3 K 2011-11-11 - 10:49 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=200, 7 TeV
Unknown file formatroot out.nomix_mu200_7_nnlo.tanBeta_gte1.root r1 manage 29021.4 K 2012-02-01 - 15:27 MonicaVazquezAcosta nomix mu=200, 7 TeV, lowest tanbeta=1
PDFpdf santandermatching-hks.pdf r1 manage 177.4 K 2011-06-04 - 15:16 MarkusSchumacher2 Description of Santander matching procedure for inclusive pp-->H(bb) cross-section
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_13TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 5793.4 K 2016-05-27 - 14:21 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_14TeV.root r4 r3 r2 r1 manage 5793.4 K 2016-05-27 - 14:21 UnknownUser  
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_7TeV_ataueq0_mu2000.root r1 manage 13957.5 K 2014-12-24 - 15:56 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=0 and mu=2000GeV
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_7TeV_tanbHigh.root r1 manage 15526.6 K 2014-03-18 - 14:40 MonicaVazquezAcosta inconsistent tauphobic scenario with mu=2000GeV in XS and mu=500GeV in BRs, A_tau=A_top, used until 18.11.2014
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_7TeV_tanbHigh_ataueqat_mu2000.root r1 manage 14209.7 K 2014-11-18 - 18:42 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=A_top and mu=2000GeV
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_7TeV_tanbLow.root r1 manage 1403.9 K 2014-03-18 - 14:39 MonicaVazquezAcosta inconsistent tauphobic scenario with mu=2000GeV in XS and mu=500GeV in BRs, A_tau=A_top, used until 18.11.2014
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_7TeV_tanbLow_ataueqat_mu2000.root r1 manage 1382.2 K 2014-11-18 - 18:42 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=A_top and mu=2000GeV
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_8TeV_ataueq0_mu2000.root r1 manage 13948.5 K 2014-12-24 - 15:58 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=0 and mu=2000GeV
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_8TeV_tanbHigh.root r1 manage 15276.6 K 2014-03-18 - 14:39 MonicaVazquezAcosta inconsistent tauphobic scenario with mu=2000GeV in XS and mu=500GeV in BRs, A_tau=A_top, used until 18.11.2014
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_8TeV_tanbHigh_ataueqat_mu2000.root r1 manage 14025.5 K 2014-11-18 - 18:42 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=A_top and mu=2000GeV
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_8TeV_tanbLow.root r1 manage 1403.3 K 2014-03-18 - 14:39 MonicaVazquezAcosta inconsistent tauphobic scenario with mu=2000GeV in XS and mu=500GeV in BRs, A_tau=A_top, used until 18.11.2014
Unknown file formatroot tauphobic_8TeV_tanbLow_ataueqat_mu2000.root r1 manage 1381.4 K 2014-11-18 - 18:42 UnknownUser tauphobic scenario with A_tau=A_top and mu=2000GeV
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Topic revision: r167 - 2023-03-17 - EmanueleAngeloBagnaschi1
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