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Jets built by QSELEP : ``LJET'' section

As QSELEP builds its own jets , a new ALPHA section is built to access them through standard ALPHA calls . These jets are stored as standard ALPHA ``tracks" in a new ALPHA ``track" section .

Name of the Section : 'LJET'

The access to the jet properties can be done either by a DO LOOP :

             DO IJET = KLFJET,KLLJET
                PXJET = QX(IJET)
                PYJET = QY(IJET)
                PZJET = QZ(IJET)
                 EJET = QE(IJET)
                 NOBJ = KLJTNO(IJET)
     or by an implicit loop on "particles" with name 'LJET' of class KRECO :
             IJET = KPDIR('LJET',KRECO)
        10   IF (IJET.EQ.0) GO TO 100
                PXJET = QX(IJET)
             IJET = KFOLLO('LJET')
             GO TO 10
        100  CONTINUE

Joel Closier