
A String with one of the values from the table below. Some items require an index as following argument.

item index value
ELECTRONS - Number of electrons in the avalanche
X-START electron number x-Coordinate of the production point
Y-START electron number y-Coordinate of the production point
Z-START electron number z-Coordinate of the production point
T-START electron number Production time
X-END electron number x-Coordinate of the end of the trajectory
Y-END electron number y-Coordinate of the end of the trajectory
Z-END electron number z-Coordinate of the end of the trajectory
STATUS-CODE electron number Numeric status of the electron drift-line
STATUS-STRING electron number Status string of the electron drift-line
T-END electron number Time at which the electron ends

STATUS-STRING and STATUS-CODE return the same status information in a different form. While the String provided by STATUS-STRING is convenient for printing, the Number given by STATUS-CODE is better suited for use in scripts.


The electron about which you wish to obtain information. See item.


Should be a modifiable argument. Contains on successful return the desired information.
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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.