
One of the coordinates of the starting point of the drift-line.


One of the coordinates of the starting point of the drift-line.


One of the coordinates of the starting point of the drift-line.


The starting point of the drift-line should be specified using the coordinate_system which is used for the chamber.

The coordinates should be specified as constants, variables or expressions that are or evaluate to Numbers.


See status.


Contains, on successful completion, the total drift time.

The time is expressed in \μsec.

This parameter should be a global variable, not a constant nor an expression. The global may exist prior to the call, but doesn't have to. If the global exists, the value it has before the call will be lost.


Contains, on successful completion, the diffusion integrated over the trajectory of the electron. The diffusion is expressed in \μsec.

This parameter should be a global variable, not a constant nor an expression. The global may exist prior to the call, but doesn't have to. If the global exists, the value it has before the call will be lost.

This argument is optional. The diffusion is not integrated if the argument is omitted, you should therefore leave it out if you do not need the value.


Contains, on successful completion, the exponentiated integral of the Townsend coefficient over the drift path. This dimensionless Number is equal to the mean multiplication, i.e. the mean number of secondary electrons produced along the trajectory of the electron that is being drifted, assuming exponential avalanche fluctuations and neglecting attachment.

This parameter should be a global variable, not a constant nor an expression. The global may exist prior to the call, but doesn't have to. If the global exists, the value it has before the call will be lost.

This argument is optional. The multiplication is not computed if the argument is omitted, you should therefore leave it out if you do not need the value.


Contains, on successful completion, the reciprocal of the exponentiated integral of the attachment coefficient over the drift path. This dimensionless Number is equal to the probability that the electron will survive attachment until the end point of its drift path, assuming there is no multiplication along the way.

This parameter should be a global variable, not a constant nor an expression. The global may exist prior to the call, but doesn't have to. If the global exists, the value it has before the call will be lost.

This argument is optional. The attachment losses are not computed if the argument is omitted, you should therefore leave it out if you do not need the value.

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.