


Plots, for each track location, and for each selected electron:

The time range of these histograms can be controlled with TIME-WINDOW.

You can request printouts of these histograms with PRINT-SELECTED-ELECTRONS or ask the histogram to stay in memory with the KEEP-HISTOGRAMS option.

[These plots are not made by default. The default setting of each call is the setting of the previous call.]


Plots, for each track location:

The time range of these histograms can be controlled by TIME-WINDOW, provided you set an explicit time window.

You can request printouts of these histograms with PRINT-ALL-ELECTRONS or ask the histogram to stay in memory with the KEEP-HISTOGRAMS option.

[These plots are not made by default. The default setting of each call is the setting of the previous call.]


The PLOT-OVERVIEW option will ensure that the following 3 graphs are made:

  1. The mean drift time of all electrons and the mean drift time of the selected electrons.

    This graph is a more refined version of the x(t) relation as calculated by the XT-PLOT instruction.

  2. The drift time by which any electron has a probability of threshold to have arrived and the drift time by which the selected electrons have this probability to have arrived.

    Since the threshold is usually set to 50\ %, this probability is in practice equivalent to the median.

  3. The spread of the arrival time distribution of all electrons, and the spread of the arrival time distributions of the selected electrons.

    The spread in shown in this graph is the standard deviation of the arrival time histogram. This measure is sensitive to outliers, and should not be used for delicate studies of the resolution. The KEEP-HISTOGRAMS option can be used to store the histograms, more robust techniques can then be applied outside Garfield.

In all plots, the all-electron graphs are plotted with the graphics representation FUNCTION-1, while the graphs for the selected electrons are plotted as FUNCTION-2.

The results are kept in memory if you specify the KEEP-RESULTS option.

[These plots are initially made by default. The default setting of each call is the setting of the previous call.]

Go to the top level, to &DRIFT, to ARRIVAL-TIME-DISTRIBUTION, to plot_options, to the topic index, to the table of contents, or to the full text.

Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.