HLT1 tracking performance check

This part is delicated to introduce how to run the applications and plotting scripts for the tracking level performance of HLT1 reconstruction. Generally, you need to run these options files in /Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/options with the description in Running Moore, like:

./Moore/run gaudirun.py some_options_file.py

Then, run these corresponding python scripts in /Moore/Hlt/Recoconf/scripts to draw the plots. You can find more details below.

Tracking efficiency check

To check the tracking efficiency, firstly:

./Moore/run gaudirun.py ./Moore/Hlt/Moore/tests/options/default_input_and_conds_hlt1.py ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/options/hlt1_reco_baseline_with_mcchecking.py


python ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/PrCheckerEfficiency_HLT1.py --plotstyle ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

Then you will have a root file efficiency_plots_baseline_MiniBias.root, including all the tracking efficiency distribution along with momentum, transverse momentum, eta, etc… Note that the tracking efficiency is defined as the reconstructed divided by reconstructible tracks. The definition of reconstructible particles could be found in the LHCb-Note-XXX (will release soon, it is the conventional definition used in LHCb).

IP resolution check

To check the IP resolution, the input tracks will be velo tracks. Run as follows:

./Moore/run gaudirun.py ./Moore/Hlt/Moore/tests/options/default_input_and_conds_hlt1.py ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/options/hlt1_reco_IPresolution.py
python ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/PrCheckerIPresolution.py --plotstyle ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

You will see some output of IPx and IPy resolution in different 1/pT and eta regions, you will also have a root file IPResolution_plots.root, saving the resolution distributions along with 1/pT and eta.

Tracking resolution check

To check the tracking resolution, the input tracks will be forward tracks. Run in two steps:

./Moore/run gaudirun.py ./Moore/Hlt/Moore/tests/options/default_input_and_conds_hlt1.py ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/options/hlt1_reco_trackresolution.py
python ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/PrCheckerTrackResolution.py --plotstyle ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

You will see the tracking resolution outputs in different momentum p and eta regions, you will also have a root file TrackResolution_plots.root, saving the resolution distributions along with p and eta.

Muon ID efficiency check

To check the muon ID efficiency, run as follows:

./Moore/run gaudirun.py ./Moore/Hlt/Moore/tests/options/default_input_and_conds_hlt1.py ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/options/hlt1_reco_muonid_efficiency.py
python ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts/PrCheckerMuonIDEff.py --plotstyle ./Moore/Hlt/RecoConf/scripts

The resultant root file muonIDeff_plots_MiniBias.root will include the muonID efficiency distributions along with momentum, transverse momentum, eta, etc.. Note that the muonID efficiency is defined on these reconstructed forward tracks.


The input file used here is for SciFi decoding version 4, if you would like to run for SciFi decoding version 6, you can change the input file to default_input_and_conds_hlt1_FT6.py. If you would like to run for other MC samples, you may change your input files refering to the TestFileDB.py in PRConfig repository.