Enable real-time reconstruction

When running Moore during data-taking, a HLT2 trigger line will take the raw data, run the reconstruction algorithms to reconstruct tracks and particle identification objects and, subsequently, execute selection algorithms, most times in the form of reconstructing decay chains, to trigger on an event and write out the necessary information. Executing the selection algorithms of a single HLT2 trigger line takes little time compared to the reconstruction algorithms.

To provide more flexibility and faster turn around times, Moore supports two running modes. One mode where the reconstruction has been preprocessed and saved in a DST and one mode where the reconstruction is run in real-time. The former has the advantage of being faster but the disadvantage that the reconstruction is the one which was used to produce the input file. Since the reconstruction algorithms themselves are still in development, they can change. To use the latest developments one needs to use the option which runs the reconstruction in real-time. The goal is to keep the differences between the two small but it can happen that for certain use cases it is necessary to run the reconstruction in real-time. An example would be to test the impact of a new reconstruction algorithm on an HLT2 trigger line.


The current default when running a HLT2 trigger line is to take the reconstruction from file. To enable the real-time reconstruction, one has to add the following lines to an options file:

from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import reconstruction

with reconstruction.bind(from_file=False):
    run_moore(options, make_lines, public_tools)

This will, as of middle of June 2022, run the default 2022 reconstruction, without using the UT detector. To use the forseen 2023 reconstruction, with UT (called “fastest sequence”) do:

from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import reconstruction

from RecoConf.hlt2_global_reco import reconstruction as hlt2_reconstruction, make_fastest_reconstruction
with reconstruction.bind(from_file=False),\
      run_moore(options, make_lines, public_tools)

To use the original, baseline reconstruction with the old Kalman Filter (TrackMasterFitter), with UT (called “legacy sequence”) do:

from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import reconstruction

from RecoConf.hlt2_global_reco import reconstruction as hlt2_reconstruction, make_legacy_reconstruction
with reconstruction.bind(from_file=False),\
      run_moore(options, make_lines, public_tools)

Full examples can be found here , here, and here.


The ability to switch between the two options is implemented in the module RecoConf.reconstruction_objects. The function reconstruction has the configurable parameter from_file. Depending on the value, getting the reconstruction is either delegated to the module RecoConf.reco_objects_from_file (from_file=True) or RecoConf.RecoConf.hlt2_global_reco (from_file=False). If there is no specific reason, reconstruction objects should always be imported from the module RecoConf.reconstruction_objects in HLT2 lines, otherwise the global switch will not work.