Proton Synchrotron Straight section pictures

SS30 PR.SS30 Layout database

Just left of the centre of the blue table, vertical dipole PI.DVT30 and at its right, a skew quadrupole. At the right, against the bending magnet coils, vacuum sector valve PR.WS30.

SS31 PR.SS31 Layout database

Electrostatic septum SEH31.

SS32 PR.SS32 Layout database

An empty straight section.

SS33 PR.SS33 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD). At the right, a similar pick-up, unused.

SS34 PR.SS34 Layout database

On the blue table, beam current transformer PS.TR34. This device is used to measure the average current of the beam. On the floor at the left, a vacuum pumping station.

SS35 PR.SS35 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD). On the blue table, dipole magnet PR.BSW31, used to produce a bump on the orbit in SS31.

SS36 PR.SS36 Layout database

One of the accelerating radio frequency cavities of the 10MHz system. The actual ferrite loaded tunable cavity is in the top, under the red hatch. The blue base contains the power amplifiers.

SS37 PR.SS37 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD). On the blue table, a quadrupole doublet. On the right, a phase pick-up for the 114MHz acceleration system.

SS38 PR.SS38 Layout database

A beam current transformer. This device measures the total intensity of the particle beam circulating in the machine. Upgrade of transformers across the complex ECR 1313522

SS39 PR.SS39 Layout database

On the blue table, from left to right, a sextupole magnet, an octupole magnet and another sextupole. The black cylinder at the left side of the table is an ionization chamber to measure the ambient radiation level.


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Pictures: Courtesy of Maximilien Chefdeville & Simon Mataguez
Updated: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 @ 01:37pm
Copyright CERN