Proton Synchrotron Straight section pictures

SS40 PR.SS40 Layout database

On the blue table, a bumper dipole and an octupole magnet. At the right, close to the magnet, a vacuum sector valve.

SS41 PR.SS41 Layout database

The orange box in the middle is a quadrupole doublet. The section is otherwise empty. In the background, the injection line coming from the Booster.

SS42 PR.SS42 Layout database

To the left, a bumper dipole magnet. To its right the vacuum tank containing magnetic septum SMH42. This septum is used to inject protons from the Booster into the PS.
The foil covered object in the foreground is an ion pump.

SS43 PR.SS43 Layout database

At the left, between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, CODD pick-up 43. This is the first pick-up to see the proton beams after injection.
On the blue table, an injection bumper dipole magnet.

SS44 PR.SS44 Layout database

At the left, a beam current transformer and at the right, a bumper dipole magnet.

SS45 PR.SS45 Layout database

Kicker magnet KFA45 . This device is used to inject protons into the PS. Between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD).

SS46 PR.SS46 Layout database

An accelerating radio frequency cavity of the 10MHz system. The blue base contains the final power amplifier and the red top the actual accelerating cavity.
The bright box at the top left is an ion pump.

SS47 PR.SS47 Layout database

A beam dump. Note the orange concrete shielding blocks. Between the pole pieces of the bending magnet, one of the pick-ups of the orbit measurement system (CODD).

SS48 PR.SS48 Layout database

An internal beam dump, covered in concrete shielding blocks.
At its left, the actuator of a SEM grid sticks out from between the bending magnet's pole pieces.

SS49 PR.SS49 Layout database

On the right side of the blue table, a quadrupole triplet magnet.


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Pictures: Courtesy of Maximilien Chefdeville & Simon Mataguez
Updated: Tuesday, April 14, 2020 @ 01:37pm
Copyright CERN