Source code for Hlt2Conf.algorithms_thor

# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
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"""Wrappers around ThOr selection framework configurables."""
from PyConf import configurable
from PyConf.Algorithms import (
    ChargedBasicsFilter, ParticleRangeFilter, PrFilter__PV, TwoBodyCombiner,
    ThreeBodyCombiner, FourBodyCombiner, FiveBodyCombiner, SixBodyCombiner,
    ParticleContainerMerger, MCParticleRangeFilter)
from Moore.persistence.particle_moving import is_particle_producer
from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs

#: Tag to select v1 Particle usage
PARTICLE_V1 = "v1"
#: Tag to select v2 Particle usage
PARTICLE_V2 = "v2"
#: Filter algorithms to be used depending on the input Particle API
    PARTICLE_V1: ParticleRangeFilter,
    PARTICLE_V2: ChargedBasicsFilter,
#: N-body combiner algorithms to be used depending on the input Particle API
    PARTICLE_V1: {
        2: TwoBodyCombiner,
        3: ThreeBodyCombiner,
        4: FourBodyCombiner,
        5: FiveBodyCombiner,
        6: SixBodyCombiner,

def thor_backend(particle_api=PARTICLE_V1):
    """Return the C++ Particle API to be used by selection algorithms.

    ThOr functors can operate on both 'v1' Particle objects (used in Runs 1
    and 2) and on 'v2' Particle objects (used in Run 3) however the
    algorithms which use the functors are specific on the input Particle
    type.  Helper functions in the `algorithms_thor` module use this function
    to determine what algorithms to instantiate.

        ValueError: If an invalid API value is given.
    if particle_api not in {PARTICLE_V1, PARTICLE_V2}:
        raise ValueError("Invalid Particle API {!r}".format(particle_api))
    return particle_api

def _validate_type(data_handle):
    """Validate that the data's type matches the current Particle API value.

        TypeError: If `data_handle.type` does not implement the current API.
    t = data_handle.type
    producer = data_handle.producer
    valid_v1 = thor_backend() == PARTICLE_V1 and is_particle_producer(producer)
    valid_v2 = thor_backend() == PARTICLE_V2 and t in {"LHCb::v2::Particle"}
    if not (valid_v1 or valid_v2):
        raise TypeError(
            f"Data handle {data_handle} of type {t!r} is not appropriate for the current ThOr backend {thor_backend()!r}"

[docs]def ParticleFilter(Input, Cut, **kwargs): """Return the output of a particle filter. Arguments: Input (DataHandle): Particle container to filter. Cut: ThOr functor expression. **kwargs: Passed to the algorithm instantiation. It can be used to set a name to the algorithm during development, but not in production code (see Moore#378 and Moore#380) """ _validate_type(Input) cls = PARTICLE_FILTERS[thor_backend()] return cls(Input=Input, Cut=Cut, **kwargs).Output
def PVFilter(Input, Cut, **kwargs): """Return the output of a PV filter. Arguments: Input (DataHandle): PV container to filter. Cut: ThOr functor expression. **kwargs: Passed to the algorithm instantiation. It can be used to set a name to the algorithm during development, but not in production code (see Moore#378 and Moore#380) """ return PrFilter__PV(Input=Input, Cut=Cut, **kwargs).Output
[docs]def ParticleCombiner(Inputs, **kwargs): """Return the output of an N-body particle combiner. Arguments: Inputs (list of DataHandle): The length ``N`` of this list is used to instantiate the appropriate ``NBodyParticleCombiner``. **kwargs: Passed to the algorithm instantiation. """ for inp in Inputs: _validate_type(inp) # Dispatch to the combiner for the given multiplicity combiners = PARTICLE_COMBINERS[thor_backend()] combiner = combiners[len(Inputs)] input_kwargs = { f"Input{idx}": data for idx, data in enumerate(Inputs, start=1) } if "PrimaryVertices" not in kwargs: kwargs["PrimaryVertices"] = make_pvs() return combiner(**input_kwargs, **kwargs).OutputParticles
def MCParticleFilter(Input, Cut, **kwargs): """Return the output of an MCparticle filter. Arguments: Input (DataHandle/KeyedContainer): MCParticle container to filter Cut: ThOr functor expression. **kwargs: Passed to the algorithm instantiation. It can be used to set a name to the algorithm during development, but not in production code (see Moore#378 and Moore#380) """ return MCParticleRangeFilter(Input=Input, Cut=Cut, **kwargs).Output # moved from Hlt2Conf.algorithms. def ParticleContainersMerger(inputs, name='ParticleContainersMerger_{hash}'): #"""Merge input Particle containers to a single output container.""" return ParticleContainerMerger( InputContainers=inputs, name=name).OutputContainer