Source code for

# (c) Copyright 2021 CERN for the benefit of the LHCb Collaboration           #
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# This software is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public      #
# Licence version 3 (GPL Version 3), copied verbatim in the file "COPYING".   #
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# In applying this licence, CERN does not waive the privileges and immunities #
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Define HLT2 PID line for J/psi -> mu+ mu-.
from Moore.lines import Hlt2Line
from Moore.config import register_line_builder

from RecoConf.reconstruction_objects import make_pvs

from Hlt2Conf.standard_particles import (

from import (

from import pid_prefilters

import Functors as F
from SelAlgorithms.monitoring import histogram_1d, monitor

all_lines = {}

[docs]@register_line_builder(all_lines) def JpsiToMuMumTagged_Detached(name="Hlt2PID_JpsiToMuMumTagged_Detached", prescale=1): pvs = make_pvs() tag_muons = make_tag_muons(make_ismuon_long_muon(), pvs, charge=-1) probe_muons = make_probe_muons(make_long_muons(), pvs, charge=+1) jpsis = make_jpsis(mu_neg=tag_muons, mu_pos=probe_muons) detached_jpsis = make_detached_jpsis(jpsis, pvs) probe_dll_mon = monitor( data=probe_muons, histograms=[ histogram_1d( functor=F.PID_MU, name=f"/{name}/probe_PIDmu", title="probe_PIDmu", label="probe_PIDmu", bins=60, range=(-20, 20), ) ]) probe_ismuon_mon = histogram_1d( functor=F.ISMUON, name=f"/{name}/probe_isMuon", title="probe_isMuon", label="probe_isMuon", bins=2, range=(-0.1, 1.1), ) probe_p_mon = histogram_1d( functor=F.ISMUON * F.P, name=f"/{name}/probe_pass_P", title="probe_pass_P", label="probe_pass_P", bins=75, range=(3e3, 153e3), ) muon_monitor = monitor( data=probe_muons, histograms=[probe_ismuon_mon, probe_p_mon]) return Hlt2Line( name=name, algs=pid_prefilters() + [detached_jpsis, muon_monitor, probe_dll_mon], prescale=prescale, persistreco=True, )
[docs]@register_line_builder(all_lines) def JpsiToMuMupTagged_Detached(name="Hlt2PID_JpsiToMuMupTagged_Detached", prescale=1): pvs = make_pvs() tag_muons = make_tag_muons(make_ismuon_long_muon(), pvs, charge=+1) probe_muons = make_probe_muons(make_long_muons(), pvs, charge=-1) jpsis = make_jpsis(mu_pos=tag_muons, mu_neg=probe_muons) detached_jpsis = make_detached_jpsis(jpsis, pvs) return Hlt2Line( name=name, algs=pid_prefilters() + [detached_jpsis], prescale=prescale, persistreco=True, )