
The following graphs can be produced:

The graphs can be customised with the FUNCTION-GRAPH option which takes as argument a function of the following parameters:

Variable Meaning Unit
AVALANCHE Gain over the drift path numeric
LENGTH Drift-line path length cm
DIFFUSION Integrated diffusion \μsec
LOSS Survival probability numeric
TIME Total drift time \μsec
X_END or R_END x Or r at drift-line end cm
Y_END or PHI_END y Or \φ at drift-line end cm or degrees
Z_END z At drift-line end cm
X_START or R_START x Or r at drift-line start cm
Y_START or PHI_START y Or \φ at drift-line start cm or degrees
Z_START z At drift-line start cm

Further details on the survival probability can be found under the method used to integrate the attachment coefficients.

Care should be taken that the AREA is chosen sufficiently large to let the particles reach their target.

You may switch off the printing and plotting of both drift-lines and the plotting of isochrons if you're only interested in the graph.

The graph is drawn either as a line or as a set of markers, depending on the setting of the MARKER and SOLID options.

[By default, no graphs are produced. The set of requested graphs is remembered from one call to the next.]


The options MARKER and SOLID determine the way the graphs are plotted.

MARKER means that all points are represented by small symbols, e.g. crosses. The symbol that is chosen, as well as its size and colour are taken from polymarker representation FUNCTION-1.

SOLID means that points for drift-lines that reach the same end point are joined by straight line segments. The line type, width and colour are taken from polyline representation FUNCTION-1. Sections of the graph where the drift-lines reach a different end point are separated by vertical lines drawn with the COMMENT polyline representation.

[The initial default is SOLID.]

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Formatted on 21/01/18 at 16:55.