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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Please note that by its nature this is work in progress. More topics will appear as we receive feedback..

YumUpdateProblemsWithDbus On some x86_64 systems, yum update fails due to a conflict between files from th...
YumUnresolvedCastorDependencies yum update fails due to unresolved dependency for castor-doc
AfsPasswordChange How do I change my AFS password ?
NoScriptProblems The Firefox "NoScript" extension provides good protection against a variety of w...
PineGetsConfusedAndStuck pine in the "Index" view may get confused by certain mail messages, complains ...
ArcdOnSLC How do I run arcd on SLC3/4? (e.g. to run acron jobs against that machine)
KerberosAuthWWW How to set up a web site with Kerberos (GSSAPI / SPNEGO) authentication on SLC4
NtpRecommendedConfig How should NTP be configured on SLC machines? The computer security scan claims ...
RhelSlSlcDifferences What are the differences between ScientificLinux (SL) and ScientificLinuxCERN ...
Urlclassifier3sqliteEatsMyDisk The file urlclassifier3.sqlite that is used by firefox 3 tends to get really lar...
CannotAccessAFS User cannot access AFS.
YumUpdateFailureOldKernelNewAfs YUM update fails with "Transaction Check Error: package kernel-2.6.9-67.0.7...
RfioClientConnect RFIO commands such as rfcp don't work on a freshly-installed SLC4 machine
NfsServerSetup How to configure a SLC machine to be a NFS server?
JavaOn64BitMemory On large-memory SLC4 machines, SUN Java gives an error message about missing vir...
KinitVsKlog kinit, klog, klog.krb clarification - what to use on SLC?
AddLargeIDEDiskToLVM I try to add a large (e.g. 80 GB) IDE hard disk to SLC4. It is clipped via jumpe...
YumErrorMpeg4IP YUM gives errors if the "mpeg4ip" RPM from DAGs repository has been installed<pr...
CompilationErrorsOnSLC4 Since the switch of LXPLUS from SLC3/32bit to SLC4/64bit, compilations fail with...
WeirdKerberosTicketLifetime When logging in via password to a SLC3 machine, the Kerberos4 TGT has a shorter ...
SystemConfigPackagesTrouble The application system-config-packages, also available via the menu entry "Sys...
NoTokenOnLoginToSLC4 When logging into a SLC3/SLC4 machine via ssh+password, I don't get a valid AFS ...
CleanUpAfterYUMErrors Occasionally the nightly YUM update goes wrong, and complains about missing depe...
UpgradeInsteadOfReinstall Can older Linux distributions be upgraded via apt-get/yum to a new version?
RecompileSLC4Kernel /usr/src/linux-2.6 is gone, there is no kernel-sources RPM. /usr/src/kernels/2.6...
YumUpdatesCantFindRepository on a SLC4 machine with "Everything" installed, YUM gives errors such as "Cannot ...
DeviceNumbersChanging When going from SLC3 to SLC4, or from SLC3-32bit to SLC3-64bit, some hardware de...
NfsClientSetupSLC3 How do I set up my machine to become an NFS client ?
NoMoreUsrLocalSW What has happened to software in /usr/local/... ?
GnomeIsSlowOnSLC3 Performance issue with GNOME / configuring GNOME for slow machines
AcerTravelmatePCMCIA machine locks up when trying to use the cardbus/pcmcia slots (upon loading the d...
BackSpaceKeyTrouble How do I get the Backspace key on my Xterminal/Exceed/putty etc to work ?
GnomeIsStuckOnAFS GNOME sessions or applications refuse to start for AFS accounts, with a message ...
FirewallForVRWSOnSLC3 How do I set up the local firewall for a VRVS client?
MozillaHangsAfterUpgrade Symptoms: mozilla works as root, but when started as user, it simply hangs.
RecompileSLC3Kernel I want to recompile the kernel to include my XYZ driver ? Where's the config ?
EmptyPagePrintingfromBrowser Printing from Mozilla or Firefox doesn't work or gives just a header page. No er...
ConfigureSendmailForCERN Need to configure sendmail to use the CERN mail servers as smarthost
NcmFailsOnDesktop (in cleanup) finishing... at /usr/sbin/ncm-ncd line 455 during global destructio...

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