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Compact Muon Solenoid

CMS-SMP-20-009 ; CERN-EP-2021-091
Measurements of Z bosons plus jets using variables sensitive to double parton scattering in pp collisions at 13 TeV
JHEP 10 (2021) 176
Abstract: Double parton scattering is investigated using events with a Z boson and jets. The measurements are performed with proton-proton collision data recorded by the CMS experiment at the LHC at $\sqrt{s} = $ 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ collected in the year 2016. Differential cross sections of Z+$\geq $ 1 jet and Z+$\geq $ 2 jets are measured with transverse momentum of the jets above 20 GeV and pseudorapidity $|{\eta}| < $ 2.4. Several distributions with sensitivity to double parton scattering effects are measured as functions of the angle and the transverse momentum imbalance between the Z boson and the jets. The measured distributions are compared with predictions from several event generators with different hadronization models and different parameter settings for multiparton interactions. The measured distributions show a dependence on the hadronization and multiparton interaction simulation parameters, and are important input for future improvements of the simulations.
Figures & Tables Summary References CMS Publications

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Figure 1:
Typical diagrams for Z+2 jets production in a single (left) and double parton (right) scattering process.

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Figure 1-a:
Typical diagram for Z+2 jets production in a single parton scattering process.

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Figure 1-b:
Typical diagram for Z+2 jets production in a double parton scattering process.

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Figure 2:
Differential cross sections (left) and area-normalized distributions (right) as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 2-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 2-b:
Area-normalized distributions as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 3:
Differential cross sections (left) and area-normalized distributions (right) as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 3-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 3-b:
Area-normalized distributions as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the leading jet for Z+$\geq $1 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 4:
Differential cross sections (left) and area-normalized distributions (right) as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 4-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 4-b:
Area-normalized distributions as functions of $\Delta \phi $ between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 5:
Differential cross sections (left) and area-normalized distributions (right) as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 5-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 5-b:
Area-normalized distributions as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between the Z boson and the dijet for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 6:
Differential cross sections (left) and area-normalized distributions (right) as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between leading and subleading jets for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 6-a:
Differential cross sections as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between leading and subleading jets for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Figure 6-b:
Area-normalized distributions as functions of the ${p_{\mathrm {T}}}$ imbalance between leading and subleading jets for Z+$\geq $2 jet events. The uncertainties in the predictions are shown as coloured bands around the theoretical predictions including statistical, PDF, and scale uncertainties for the NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune) and the statistical uncertainty only for the LO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CP5 tune), NLO MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 (with CDPSTP8S1-WJ tune, CP5 tune with MPI-OFF), NLO MG5_aMC + HERWIG7 (with tune CH3), and SHERPA predictions. In the top panel, the vertical bars on the data points represent statistical uncertainties, whereas in the bottom panels, the total uncertainty in data is indicated by the solid yellow band centred at 1. In the legend, the $\chi ^{2}$ per degree of freedom is given to quantify the goodness of fit of the model to the data.

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Table 1:
Summary of event generators with their k-factors (ratio of NNLO to NLO/LO cross section), PDF sets, and tunes used to produce both the signal and background event samples.

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Table 2:
Fiducial selections at particle level.

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Table 3:
Uncertainty sources and their effect on the differential cross section distributions.

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Table 4:
Uncertainty sources and their effect on the area-normalized distributions.

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Table 5:
Measured and predicted cross section for Z+$\geq $1 jet and Z+$\geq $2 jet production. Simulations are normalized to NNLO calculations (from FEWZ) and reported cross section values are extracted by applying fiducial selections. Predicted cross sections include statistical and theoretical uncertainties added in quadrature for MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 with CP5 tune, whereas the other predicted cross sections are reported with only statistical uncertainties.
The CMS Collaboration has measured the differential cross sections for Z+$\geq $1 jet and Z+$\geq $2 jet events using proton-proton collision data at $\sqrt{s} $ = 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 35.9 fb$^{-1}$ collected in the year 2016. The Z boson is reconstructed using the dimuon channel. This is the first measurement performed to explore observables sensitive to the presence of multi-parton interaction (MPI) using the Z+jets process at 13 TeV. Within the fiducial region, the production cross sections of Z+$\geq $1 jet and Z+$\geq $2 jet events are measured to be 158.5 $\pm$ 0.3 (stat) $\pm$ 7.0 (syst) $\pm$ 1.2 (theo) $\pm$ 4.0 (lumi) pb and 44.8 $\pm$ 0.4 (stat) $\pm$ 3.7 (syst) $\pm$ 0.5 (theo) $\pm$ 1.1 (lumi) pb, respectively. The measured integrated cross section in the fiducial region with jets is well described by the event generators SHERPA, MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8, and MG5_aMC + {HERWIG}7 predictions. The prediction obtained with MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 with the double parton scattering (DPS) specific tune CDPSTP8S1-WJ overestimates the measurements by 10-15%, but correctly describes the shape of all the observables. The prediction from MG5_aMC + PYTHIA8 with the CP5 tune, derived by fitting soft quantum chromodynamics (QCD) measurements, describes the differential cross section and area-normalized distributions. However, there are parts of the distributions that are not well described, such as single parton scattering that dominates lower regions of transverse momentum imbalance $\Delta_\mathrm{rel}{p_{\mathrm{T}}}$ distributions. Predictions with other MPI models describe the measurements well (SHERPA) or reasonably well (MG5_aMC + HERWIG7) except a few deviations in describing the shapes of the $\Delta \phi (\mathrm{Z}, j_1)$ and $\Delta_{\mathrm{rel}}{p_{\mathrm{T}}}(j_1,j_2)$ distributions. The measured distributions show a significant sensitivity to MPI. A proper simulation of MPI is essential to describe the shape of the measured distributions and hence these results are a useful input to further improve DPS-specific tunes and a global tune in combination with other soft QCD measurements.
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Compact Muon Solenoid